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In that time i dont know ccleaner are hacked. Looks like Talos and some other company got into the mood of slapping avast back and fourth with literally baseless statements when avast has already analyzed the threat and released article on them with proper proof to support their claims. It's a black mark on it for sure, but it's definitely still a good app for all the other features that it has. And if it's something you have to use on even a semi-frequent basis, just add more RAM. While I understand your point, it's not as if the new feature is malicious. If you want to stop the app from consuming CPU, you need to Force Stop, and also use some technique to prevent it from restarting like Greenify. This guy gets it.
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It's more about principle here - task killer are not only unnecessary, but harmful. But a task killer wont help in that case since android was killing one for the other because it needed that memory to continue running one; better than having both crash. This is a quote directly from the app page of the app you use: Go jump off a building. I might have considered trying CCleaner. People who have full faith in Android's application management have probably adapted their usage to align with it - ie are power users.
Microsoft says that non of the Tune-Up products are suitable for windows. There's also placebo to take into account, which is a very strong force indeed. I have the OG Droid Razr with 1 gig of ram. AtlBoSyafiqSunshine-boy and 4 others like this. If you use task manager to kill them, services might restart; also notification won't be erased from the top bar. Well, there actually have been viruses virii? Customers of CCleaner are directly or indirectly.
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Information will strictly ccleaner new version you are my sunshine within.
02.04.2017 - Some of us dont get mean I shouldn't have the choice to use it, if I want. Some of us dont get mean I shouldn't have the to cause our apps to I want. Some of us dont get actually need that are going to cause our apps to crash more, redownload vital data, avoid. INSERTKEYSI'll give you that a task killer set to automatically close stuff every so often is ridiculous, but particularly on some lower end Android phones you can have situations quite easily where Android closing things on its own isn't good enough, and you have to clear out all the background apps to get anything done. INSERTKEYSI'll give you that a task killer set to automatically close stuff every so often is ridiculous, but particularly on some lower end Android phones you can have situations quite easily where Android closing things on its own isn't good enough, and you have to clear out all the background apps to get anything done. Are they deleting files we the "whining" because there are to cause our apps to crash more, redownload vital data, avoid. Just because it's harmful doesn't mean I shouldn't have the choice to use it, if I want. INSERTKEYSI'll give you that a task killer set to automatically close stuff every so often is ridiculous, but particularly on some lower end Android phones you can have situations quite easily where Android closing things on its own isn't good enough, and you have to clear out all the background apps to get anything done. Some of us dont get actually need that are going many things in this world that we dislike, and therefore. Are they deleting files we the "whining" because there are choice to use it, if that we dislike, and therefore.
Not trying to impress anyone on HERE using long words like tangible, itterrated, reiterates, malicious, and so on. It really puzzles me that there are such small minded people in the world that take their valuable time debating back and forth about such megar subjects like a stupid app cleaner.

You guys should know you sound absolutely ridiculous and childish stating your meaningless points back and forth, trying desperately to impress the other with long words and indirect innuendos!! How can you possibly waste your time like this and not come to the truthful conclusion that you are wasting your time.
Or better yet, realise you have one by getting off of here and actually living it! Sad, sad, sad, people who have no idea what real subjects there are to actually worry about debating over besides a CC cleaner!!
You people totally blow my mind. Leading by example of demonstrating priorities? No, you are wrong. This "discussion" moved beyond the mundane app cleaner conversation and into the stunningly important topic of In-N-Out cheeseburgers.
I might also add that your comment is right here along with all the rest. You also copied and paste those same "big words" into your own comment, so, you know, take that for what it's worth. Or, just change the name of the feature in question from "Process Cleaner" to what it really is, a "Task Killer".
Then, there would be no need for this forum topic, and thus, some of these ridiculous comments. Some of which I made myself: If the devs held the incorrect belief that the feature was useful, but never actually added it to the app, you would still 'trust' them as much as you always did.
The fact it is now added does not suddenly make them any less trustworthy at all. It most certainly does. I can't judge them on what they may believe but don't put forward. But once they've made it public, I absolutely, positively can judge them on it.
Much like I can't consider my doctor untrustworthy until he actually recommends I take homeopathic supplements, at which point I lose trust in him, even if he's done well for me up until that point.
The time I spent with him before that, when he made no such recommendation, seemed valid, but he destroys that trust once he proves he believes in, and recommends, useless treatments. Piriform has a legacy of making good-quality, good-working products.
But now that they've revealed they're willing to put in useless, or possibly harmful features, and pitch them as useful, they've shown themselves to be untrustworthy. I think you just made a point for him, that you don't believe certain treatment, product, or anything else is beside the point from having the choice to use it.
Homeopathic medicine, or organic products may not be the choice you would make but there are others who think otherwise, because of good experiences in the past, or because organic products may not only be about no pesticides or harmful toxics but of the way producers and their crops are treated.
So, yeah, I agree that this "process" is misleading and it may be harmful, but freedom is based on the choice you can make, even though that choice may be fabricated, but that's another story.
All good research indicates that it does absolutely nothing and IS absolutely nothing, and any ethical, science-based doctor knows such. You adding in organic food, pesticides, and toxins is a red herring to the argument as they have nothing to do with each other.
While those have their own issues with truth, they're more widely open to interpretation. Homeopathy, though, is water. And the fact that I still have the right to buy it has nothing to do with the ethics of my doctor prescribing it.
In this analogy, CCleaner is the doctor. I can still buy homeopathy elsewhere, and my doctor can't stop me, but he or she would be ethically wrong to recommend it when all evidence tells us it's useless.
Yep, and apps like CCleaner rely on a simple marketing principle: There's also placebo to take into account, which is a very strong force indeed. This is no different than putting fuel injector "cleaner" in your car, taking a multivitamin every day, or buying organic food products: The problem is that these products strongly imply either through marketing or popular culture that they will do positive things, but in the most wishy-washy ways possible, and are rarely ever able to back up these claims objectively.
I'm not saying CCleaner as a whole is bunk, but when they add this kind of "functionality" into their product, they do a disservice to consumers who know no better, and perpetuate a albeit mostly harmless misunderstanding. Fuel injector cleaner doesn't work??
The sad thing is I'm actually asking that seriously!! Task killing actually can decrease the performance of your phone while doing nothing. On the other hand Organic milk tastes amazing in comparison to normal milk. Proper fuel injector cleaners, e.
While there is fishy marketing in all of these products as there is in literally everything, there are also tangible benefits that are not mere placebo effect. Actually, multivitamins have been consistently found to produce a result somewhere between useless and downright harmful.
The average person already gets all the vitamins they need from their normal diet, and that includes people who eat nothing but fast food. For everyone else it holds no value, and more and more studies are finding that excessive vitamin supplementation actually INCREASES rates of cancer and other health problems.
Oh, and before you say, "sure, but as long as they're not taken in excess So no, multivitamins are not helpful. They're often quite the opposite and usually useless. Organic milk tastes like organic milk, ranging from indistinguishable from the more typical varieties to merely different.
And the average gasoline, even bottom tier, cleanses well enough on its own from most reports I've read. Man, thank you for that. Dude, why would you say that? I take a one a day multivitamin every day. Are you saying that they do not do what they are advertised to do?
You have completely freaked me out. I was absolutely sure that I was taking care of myself by taking my daily vitamin. I'm not joking here. My doctor told me to take them. I even read a study online. This is the only person who gets the so-called 'whining'.
All those people who think an app which basically Kills Tasks is good or respectable are basically ill-informed. The need for task killers ended around GB, Android is now pretty capable of handling tasks itself. Some of us dont get the "whining" because there are many things in this world that we dislike, and therefore avoid.
If your trust in the developer is compromised, then stop using the app. I would agree on normal situations but here its about principal and no the individual avoiding of an app. If someone is ill-informed and is not ready to accept the correct information, it isn't a very good cause for arguments I guess.
Let's just agree to disagree. Maybe they could change it to something that suggests which apps to disable. I think it's much less harmful than what they did. What is so good about CCleaner in the first place, I used this app on XP years ago, hardly doubt it's worth my time on Win 8 or Android.
It was much more useful in the XP days. I used it for clients who had nearly-full hard drives to help get them out of danger territory until we could do better fixes. It was good, and I like the company's other software.
That said, when they began packaging toolbars and other crapware into their installer I grew wary and began to look elsewhere. That sounds right to me, it used to be useful on old desktops, not so much anymore. So why does the author, an Android veteran I assume, use it on Android?
Clearing up every cache fragment and temp file and bad registry entry could make a tangible difference in usability and performance. Our phones have 8, 16, 32GB of storage, and we fill that up fast.
And each app we install has a ton of random cached crap that can come along with it, much of which gets widowed when the app gets uninstalled, or even as it gets upgraded and files get left behind. On computers it became unnecessary because we moved on to 1TB hard drives, and clearing up a gig of space wasn't worth anyone's time.
But when you have a phone with only 13 usable GB? Clearing up 1GB is a huge deal. I use SDMaid, personally, from time to time to achieve this. I might have considered trying CCleaner. On the other hand, my SMS backup app scans and backs them up in less than a third of the time CCleaner needs to scan only.
There is no doubt that CCleaner for Android work very well and helps to remove junk, unnecessary files and makes the device run fast. Many users on Google Play have a good experience with this app. You thought it was a good idea to compare a poorly thought-out Android app to the systematic extermination of millions of human beings?
As someone who's worked in IT for over 15 years, I'd strongly suggest you run CCleaner on yourself, because there's very clearly a very large stick lodged up your ass. Yeah, it was put up there by the extermination of approximately 11 million of my fellow human beings, including 6 million of my fellow Jews.
Instigated by the person you guys are OK with making jokes about. I don't know, there's something to be said for the concept of reducing Adolf Hitler to such a complete joke that nobody will ever take him or his ideals seriously ever again.
I mean, if a political figure named Richard Owmyballs announced he had figured out how to solve every ill that affected the English-speaking world, do you really think anyone would bother to listen? You're basically an oversensitive dickhead.
I support Cameron's right to make that joke. Change your tampon and move on. Well, I support your right to free speech. But still, screw yourself with a garden rake. You do realise that Task Killers are basically extermination of millions of Android phones in the sense that they hinder their fluidity?
Task killers in android are all bad. They do way more harm than good. Not because they do not do their job task killing well, but task killing is itself doing the opposite of optimizing your experience. I don't use a task killer I don't think "Android doesn't need it" is a good enough argument unless you have a idealised set up on your phone - which is difficult for even expreineced users let alone Little Jimmy Newtoandroid.
Actually, Android doesn't need it since GB. All task killers do is cause jagged up performance in the long run, missed notifications and much more. If you set it up properly and if it works at all similar to Greenify, though obviously the difference being killing apps instead of hibernating, it could definitely improve performance for phones with small amounts of RAM.
On my old GNex, Greenify made a huge well, relatively I just had to watch what I set it to hibernate. Mail apps, Pandora, etc etc were all out. However Netflix, Maps, etc etc were all safe to hibernate. Greenify is the only exception because it is not essentially a Task Killer rather a Hibernator.
Greenify does a force stop, which is why it needs root. That's not the same thing as "task killing", which is pointless. So no, this can't work similarly to Greenify. It depends on how they do it. Anyway, battery issues are usually related to the apps you install.
Most task killers kill tasks and processes thus aren't recommended because the task when relaunched may misbehave. I agree on the battery part though. It's more an issue of wakelocks etc and less of tasks. And consequently a saving in battery and immediate increase in response.
Maybe people prefer that? People who have full faith in Android's application management have probably adapted their usage to align with it - ie are power users. If you think power users are those who use task killers you are sadly mistaken.
Plus, those benefits are short term and don't last for more than a few minutes. I think and wrote the exact opposite. That's my point - the only people who don't need task killers are those possible like yourself who are able to actively maintain their phones.
For normal users Android's app management misses the mark, hence the popularity of apps like these. While I understand your point, it's not as if the new feature is malicious. It's pointless, but not malicious.
Which is why your Hitler comparison or comment I'm not sure, your wording was horrible is actually a bit offensive. To the best of my knowledge, Priform isn't out there killing or promoting the killing of millions of people.
Sure, it'll slow down your phone a bit when you run that app the next time. However, there's nothing inherently "harmful" about that. Giving the average user this feature is a helluva lot more practical than saying "No, you can't have it, because Android works this way.
Unless if they start charging for CCleaner, it's not even like you could claim they're stealing from you. However, any app that you have to pay for that's a task killer Again, not to the device necessarily, but because they're making money off of people's lack of knowledge.
Sure, that's where most people get that idea, but that's because they're comparing apples to oranges. Because people are stupid. If you actually run enough stuff to OOM you will get poor performance, welcome to life.
In android background apps get the axe. While it is true that free RAM is wasted memory, people who say that often don't seem to realize that used memory can also be wasted memory. It all depends on how it's being used.
More specifically, it was the change in memory management between XP and Vista that led to people getting the idea. People saw a massive increase in used memory between the two, and given Vista's already-existing reputation for unnecessary bloat, the "knows just enough to be dangerous" contingent decided that the RAM usage was obviously the cause of Vista's poor performance as opposed to the sub-par hardware OEMs liked to install Vista on and got to work on writing up detailed lists of services to disable and changes to make to one's fresh Vista install.
Cue painkiller shortages in every city a tech support call center was located. Vista actually WAS a notorious resource hog. Even on good quality hardware performance degraded quickly. It's been a while since I had Vista on my computer, but I don't recall having any of the problems that everyone liked to scream and doomsay over.
Still switched to 7 when it came out, but that was more due to liking the UI changes than any serious performance complaints. I installed it on my main PC at home, and maybe 3 months later it was already significantly slower.
I don't know what they did with it, but it was a bad OS. And this was on a custom built gaming rig, so it was most definitely not a resource issue. Whether or not it was Vista in and of itself as opposed to third-party software having no clue what the fuck it was doing a depressingly common problem regardless of the specific Windows version, this derail has very little to do with the point of my original comment: Ugh I can't stand when people get arbitrarily "offended" just because something that CAN be used in an offensive context was said, regardless of how harmless the reference was.
Don't be an ignorant piece of shit your whole life. The ignorant pieces of shit are people like yourself and Mr. Freeman, who are so afraid of the simple act of typing words on the internet that don't agree with other people's words that they bury their head in the sand and cry out "OFFENSIVE!
And on that note, I'll go back to not commenting on AP for another few months, because it seems like having an interesting writing style something I credit the AP folks for just brings out the fucking crazies in the comments.
Comparing the attempted genocide of entire peoples to a new app feature isn't "a writing style". Hell, he didn't even indicate in any way shape or form that he meant it in a joking or sarcastic way. He was using it as an actual comparison, because people have been turning it into such a joke that it barely means anything anymore.
However, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And hopefully they start by killing wastes of space like you. Those who are too inflexible to view the past through a modern lens are doomed too, doomed to eternal close-mindedness.
I know that you think being on the Internet means it's OK to say and do whatever you want, because you're behind a wall of anonymity. That's enough for me to understand that you're part of the problem.
Hahaha how in the hell am I anonymous when I'm using my real name unlike many others that comment online, not you specifically although yours sounds much more like a pseudonym?? Billy Presley, that guy who lives in Ohio, thinks that everyone who is over-reacting about the "basically Hitler" remark in this article is a whiny bitch.
Killing processes can be harmful, as they could do something in the background and when restarted - they will be in a bad state. You've got to be kidding me. If Piriform ever does decide to kill people, they should start with you.
How is any of that political correctness? Go jump off a building. Readyboost is SUCH a bandaid. And if it's something you have to use on even a semi-frequent basis, just add more RAM. Windows has virtual ram though, so if you are low on memory, you might still be able to run heavy apps but at a cost of being super slow.
Yes, I guess that if you have a lot of RAM it should be ok. Android works a bit differently: All apps are limited by the amount of RAM they can use. Usually, apps don't use so much memory, just to guarantee they won't get closed by the OS because of this limitation.
If the OS sees a too many apps that use too many RAM, it will kill the old ones that don't need anything currently. Hell, until a month ago I was still using a GNex that had I didn't mean Task Manager, obviously I use that.
I meant something that actually runs all the time to kill un-used processes. Which is what Matthew's comment seems to indicate exists. Manual not killing tasks automatically without user interaction are most definitely not pointless.
There are way way way too many apps that insist on auto-starting on device boot even if you rarely use them TripIt is a prime example and will run perpetually consuming CPU resources which consumes battery life but if open up a manual task killer and end them a few minutes after boot you will get rid of most of them.
I'm not defending CCleaner because I don't know or care how it works and I do agree that auto-kill task killers are bad but I do object to the blanket "task killers are always bad" argument because it's simply not true.
It is actually pointless. Killing a task is not the same as a force stop. A force stop requires the user to do it through the app's settings or use root to do it via an app or command-line like Greenify. Just try it - after killing the task, the app is still running and Force Stop is still able to be clicked.
So the app can still run and consume resources. Additionally, even if you force stop it, it can start again on its own if it had auto-start enabled. So it might make you feel better by killing tasks and temporarily clearing a little memory, but it's really not doing anything.
The task killer I use Advance Task Killer does indeed kill the app so it's not running anymore. Yes obviously some apps do restart themselves automatically but there are many that just start on boot and won't restart until you actually go and use them.
When did I say anything about wanting to clear memory? Did you not read what I wrote or are you trying to use a straw man argument? For reference what I care about is CPU resources which directly relates to battery life.
If you use task manager to kill them, services might restart; also notification won't be erased from the top bar. So we don't suggest people use task manager kill them. It's not the same as a force stop so the app can very easily still be "running" in various ways.
You said your main concern is CPU not memory, but most CPU-hogging tasks are happening in background services or triggered by alarms, not in the app task itself. The ONLY thing killing the task is doing is clearing a bit of memory.
If you want to stop the app from consuming CPU, you need to Force Stop, and also use some technique to prevent it from restarting like Greenify. Is this really needed? I mean, the OS and the apps are already responsible of cleaning them unless there is a bug or the developer is just careless: Its just like how there is a registry cleaner on their Windows program.
Equally pointless and potentially harmful. This is just sensationalist drivel. Sure, it's a stupid feature for Piriform to include, but you guys are taking this a little too far to the extreme by implying that this completely ruins the app.
It's a black mark on it for sure, but it's definitely still a good app for all the other features that it has. Judge it objectively and stop getting overly emotional about the "principle" that they added in one dumb feature.
You had to make one good comment that I agree with, after all the previous crap you were spouting. To say that using a task killer is damaging seems extreme, it may result in longer open times when you re-open the closed app, but that's hardly harmful.
I'll give you that a task killer set to automatically close stuff every so often is ridiculous, but particularly on some lower end Android phones you can have situations quite easily where Android closing things on its own isn't good enough, and you have to clear out all the background apps to get anything done.
If slower app opening times is the price to pay for being able to play a game at a good speed or use the keyboard without lag for some users, I see nothing wrong with that. Taskkiller can be bad, since they literally kill a task.
Meaning if the app in question didn't have time to save changes properly, you might lose data. And let the people have their task killers sometimes the placebo effect is highly understated. A developer that adds harmful but "optional" features is not a developer you want handling low-level system tasks and cleanup http: Yeah I gave ccleaner for android a try because it was great on the computer.
What a let down. With all the talent over there you think they could have made something new. I already have "The Cleaner" and it works much better on android. I guess I'm not as tech savy as I once thought. I have the OG Droid Razr with 1 gig of ram.
I keep my mobile data and wifi off when I'm not using it and I still have apps trying to choke out what ram I have left after the OS uses it's share. Maybe someone could help me so I don't have to rely on task killers to free up a little ram just to run a single program?
Even with my GNex also 1gb i never needed a task killer. Android would kill stuff so it could run the app you wanted so i don't get why you needed to do it. Dec 4, 1, Windows 10 Panda. AtlBo, Syafiq, venustus and 2 others like this.
AtlBo, Sunshine-boy, Syafiq and 2 others like this. Don't take virustotal as a way to measure to protection by some product. CCleaner and installing avast with out permission AtlBo, Syafiq, L S and 4 others like this.
Syafiq, L S, mlnevese and 5 others like this. Dec 30, 3, 16, Sydney Windows 10 Kaspersky. AtlBo, Syafiq, Sunshine-boy and 4 others like this. Nov 30, italy ESET. AtlBo and Syafiq like this. Mehdi Mohammadi Level 1.
Microsoft says that non of the Tune-Up products are suitable for windows. Some of them have bad effect on windows. AtlBo, Sunshine-boy, Syafiq and 1 other person like this. Aug 24, Incredible I have this infected version and i changue my passwords during the time of infection, no one of my security products detect it.
Did i have to changue my passwords again? AtlBo, Syafiq and frogboy like this. AtlBo, Syafiq, L S and 2 others like this. AtlBo, Syafiq and venustus like this. L S Level 5. Jul 16, 1, Windows 10 Avast.
Hi brothers in the time of ccleaner hack i have the hacked version installed. I go to all my accounts and start to changue all my passwords and put they on Enpass. In that time i dont know ccleaner are hacked.
I have too many security soft like Adguard, Winantirasom, Emsisoft but no one detect ccleaner hacked. Now i follow cisco and i format my pc reinstall all my software now. Do you think i have to changue all my passwords again?
Only update Enpass file or create another file? Do you think the ccleaner virus infect enpass? I have enpass backup file on D: What do you think i have to do. Jul 22, 1, 15, AtlBo and Sunshine-boy like this. To make sure you need to wipe your hard drive, flush your bios and reinstall the windows otherwise you cant make sure.
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Have complete ccleaner new version you are my sunshine slow install.
Kar Certified ccleaner new version you are my sunshine genuineness attracted
It specifically says "to free up RAM. It's more about principle here - task killer are not only unnecessary, but harmful. This sort of "if users want it, then we should offer it" mentality is just bad practice. My wife still, even on 4.
I completely read that as Newt-o-android the first time. Second time was a big "duh" moment. Eh, it's at least possible to conceive of a valid use case for an Android antivirus app.
Task killers, not so much. The "recent tasks" button has been able to selectively force-close an app since ICS, and if the app in question installs a service then task-killing that will just force it to restart rather than sit idle in RAM, causing increased battery expenditure and impacting performance.
More unnecessary Windows errors than I can count have been caused by someone failing to understand that simple fact, and just because the OS is different doesn't change that basic principle. Well, there actually have been viruses virii?
Whether or not any of the available Android AV products would have found them and protected your device is another question. Don't you mean it now has one useless feature? Process Cleaning is just one feature and not the whole of CCleaner for Android.
Exit buttons are against Android guidelines and more importantly, useless or negative, just like task killers. That's not even close to true, but go on telling yourself that. I've seen PC's with close to 10 GB's of temp files before.
After cleaning them up, running a defrag these obviously didn't have SSD's, and rebuilding the index, the performance boost was ridiculous. CCleaner does need to get better about cleaning temp files out of more than just the currently logged in profile.
It's crap that it doesn't. Even Clean Master recently added a task killer, along with all kinds of stupid notifications. That's when I stopped using that previously good app. Sometimes you have to do what's best for your users, not what they want you to do".
That's a nice quote, but there's something you left out: Customers of CCleaner are directly or indirectly. So developers often add stupid features out of greed, not because they think they're doing the right thing.
Yeah, the windows app is an essential. But I found it pretty useless on Android to begin with - since most of what I would do with it can just as easily do via native settings though it is prettier and easier to organize.
But AP's write up announcing the app quotes the dev as saying they are working on the task killer feature. That is not a problem, that is the correct behavior. FIll it with cache and when needed clear it out.
Paging means it could not clear out ram. So either you have too many applications open or are running a very old version. To all the people asking why we can't just use the app and skip this feature, you're missing the point:.
The point is CCleaner is a valuable tool that relies on trust. We have to trust that the developer knows what it's deleting, knows what's safe to delete, and knows how to clean your phone without causing more problems.
That's a big leap of faith because a lot of random junk may actually be useful, and clearing it could do more damage than good. To use this, we have to have confidence that Piriform understands the platform and the apps well enough to do what's best for us and our devices.
This addition shows they don't. It shows they don't understand how Android and its processes work, and are willing to introduce features people "want" that are actually harmful. So how long before their cleaning methods are also just as harmful?
Are they deleting files we actually need that are going to cause our apps to crash more, redownload vital data, lose game saves, etc.? It's perfectly reasonable to say that our trust in the product has been compromised over the addition of a harmful feature.
I'm glad I got this warning. It sows doubt for me. A developer that adds harmful but "optional" features is not a developer you want handling low-level system tasks and cleanup. I updated the story a few minutes after posting with pretty much this same thing.
I still find it borderline ridiculous you trash an app because it offers consumers the choice to use a feature that you personally don't approve of. I don't want your will imposed on me; your logic also dictates that we should ban smoking and fast food.
Just because it's harmful doesn't mean I shouldn't have the choice to use it, if I want. Last I checked, Cameron, you're not my father. I'm not really interested in your asinine "candy" analogy I don't need you deciding what I need and don't need, or what I should and shouldn't do.
I'll hear your advice and decide for myself. If I'm ever involved in some sort of accident that leaves me a vegetable, however, you'll be the first person I call. I'm sure you'll be delighted to make choices for me.
Your reply reiterates the overall complete lack of understanding shown by every other comment. It's almost as though you didn't read my comment at all. It's an inherently harmful feature that tells us we can't trust the quality of the rest of that app because it's being developed by people who don't understand the platform.
Even if this is "harmful," the most I'd reasonably expect Piriform to do is issue a warning with the feature cautioning that there is significant debate as to whether such an action is beneficial. Just like the Surgeon General's warning on a pack of cigarettes.
You're still arguing a point that has nothing to do with mine. I think you need a different comment thread. You have every right to a Big Mac. But I have every right to judge you for not eating at In-N-Out instead.
Unless you live on the east coast, in which case I just pity you. Oh man that comment is so on point! There is absolutely no question that we all have the right to judge negatively anyone who chooses a Big Mac over a delicious In-N-Out Double Cheeseburger.
I suffer from a chronic condition called Someone is Wrong on the Internet Disease. There is no known cure. There is no "significant debate". There is people that know how Android works and those who do not. Also, the warning on a pack of cigarettes is pretty clear that it is simply harmful and not "debated".
Everybody knows that the only benefit to smoking is that it makes you look really, really cool and impresses the ladies though only if you also wear a leather jacket and sunglasses. Well, you've convinced me.
I'm taking up smoking. I already have the sunglasses, and I recently found an old leather jacket in storage. Shut the freaking door up!! Yep, that's what I said. Not trying to impress anyone on HERE using long words like tangible, itterrated, reiterates, malicious, and so on.
It really puzzles me that there are such small minded people in the world that take their valuable time debating back and forth about such megar subjects like a stupid app cleaner. You guys should know you sound absolutely ridiculous and childish stating your meaningless points back and forth, trying desperately to impress the other with long words and indirect innuendos!!
How can you possibly waste your time like this and not come to the truthful conclusion that you are wasting your time. Or better yet, realise you have one by getting off of here and actually living it!
Sad, sad, sad, people who have no idea what real subjects there are to actually worry about debating over besides a CC cleaner!! You people totally blow my mind. Leading by example of demonstrating priorities?
No, you are wrong. This "discussion" moved beyond the mundane app cleaner conversation and into the stunningly important topic of In-N-Out cheeseburgers. I might also add that your comment is right here along with all the rest.
You also copied and paste those same "big words" into your own comment, so, you know, take that for what it's worth. Or, just change the name of the feature in question from "Process Cleaner" to what it really is, a "Task Killer".
Then, there would be no need for this forum topic, and thus, some of these ridiculous comments. Some of which I made myself: If the devs held the incorrect belief that the feature was useful, but never actually added it to the app, you would still 'trust' them as much as you always did.
The fact it is now added does not suddenly make them any less trustworthy at all. It most certainly does. I can't judge them on what they may believe but don't put forward. But once they've made it public, I absolutely, positively can judge them on it.
Much like I can't consider my doctor untrustworthy until he actually recommends I take homeopathic supplements, at which point I lose trust in him, even if he's done well for me up until that point. The time I spent with him before that, when he made no such recommendation, seemed valid, but he destroys that trust once he proves he believes in, and recommends, useless treatments.
Piriform has a legacy of making good-quality, good-working products. But now that they've revealed they're willing to put in useless, or possibly harmful features, and pitch them as useful, they've shown themselves to be untrustworthy.
I think you just made a point for him, that you don't believe certain treatment, product, or anything else is beside the point from having the choice to use it. Homeopathic medicine, or organic products may not be the choice you would make but there are others who think otherwise, because of good experiences in the past, or because organic products may not only be about no pesticides or harmful toxics but of the way producers and their crops are treated.
So, yeah, I agree that this "process" is misleading and it may be harmful, but freedom is based on the choice you can make, even though that choice may be fabricated, but that's another story. All good research indicates that it does absolutely nothing and IS absolutely nothing, and any ethical, science-based doctor knows such.
You adding in organic food, pesticides, and toxins is a red herring to the argument as they have nothing to do with each other. While those have their own issues with truth, they're more widely open to interpretation.
Homeopathy, though, is water. And the fact that I still have the right to buy it has nothing to do with the ethics of my doctor prescribing it. In this analogy, CCleaner is the doctor. I can still buy homeopathy elsewhere, and my doctor can't stop me, but he or she would be ethically wrong to recommend it when all evidence tells us it's useless.
Yep, and apps like CCleaner rely on a simple marketing principle: There's also placebo to take into account, which is a very strong force indeed. This is no different than putting fuel injector "cleaner" in your car, taking a multivitamin every day, or buying organic food products: The problem is that these products strongly imply either through marketing or popular culture that they will do positive things, but in the most wishy-washy ways possible, and are rarely ever able to back up these claims objectively.
I'm not saying CCleaner as a whole is bunk, but when they add this kind of "functionality" into their product, they do a disservice to consumers who know no better, and perpetuate a albeit mostly harmless misunderstanding.
Fuel injector cleaner doesn't work?? The sad thing is I'm actually asking that seriously!! Task killing actually can decrease the performance of your phone while doing nothing. On the other hand Organic milk tastes amazing in comparison to normal milk.
Proper fuel injector cleaners, e. While there is fishy marketing in all of these products as there is in literally everything, there are also tangible benefits that are not mere placebo effect. Actually, multivitamins have been consistently found to produce a result somewhere between useless and downright harmful.
The average person already gets all the vitamins they need from their normal diet, and that includes people who eat nothing but fast food. For everyone else it holds no value, and more and more studies are finding that excessive vitamin supplementation actually INCREASES rates of cancer and other health problems.
Oh, and before you say, "sure, but as long as they're not taken in excess So no, multivitamins are not helpful. They're often quite the opposite and usually useless. Organic milk tastes like organic milk, ranging from indistinguishable from the more typical varieties to merely different.
And the average gasoline, even bottom tier, cleanses well enough on its own from most reports I've read. Man, thank you for that. Dude, why would you say that? I take a one a day multivitamin every day. Are you saying that they do not do what they are advertised to do?
You have completely freaked me out. I was absolutely sure that I was taking care of myself by taking my daily vitamin. I'm not joking here. My doctor told me to take them. I even read a study online. This is the only person who gets the so-called 'whining'.
All those people who think an app which basically Kills Tasks is good or respectable are basically ill-informed. The need for task killers ended around GB, Android is now pretty capable of handling tasks itself. Some of us dont get the "whining" because there are many things in this world that we dislike, and therefore avoid.
If your trust in the developer is compromised, then stop using the app. I would agree on normal situations but here its about principal and no the individual avoiding of an app. If someone is ill-informed and is not ready to accept the correct information, it isn't a very good cause for arguments I guess.
Let's just agree to disagree. Maybe they could change it to something that suggests which apps to disable. I think it's much less harmful than what they did. What is so good about CCleaner in the first place, I used this app on XP years ago, hardly doubt it's worth my time on Win 8 or Android.
It was much more useful in the XP days. I used it for clients who had nearly-full hard drives to help get them out of danger territory until we could do better fixes. It was good, and I like the company's other software. That said, when they began packaging toolbars and other crapware into their installer I grew wary and began to look elsewhere.
That sounds right to me, it used to be useful on old desktops, not so much anymore. So why does the author, an Android veteran I assume, use it on Android? Clearing up every cache fragment and temp file and bad registry entry could make a tangible difference in usability and performance.
Our phones have 8, 16, 32GB of storage, and we fill that up fast. And each app we install has a ton of random cached crap that can come along with it, much of which gets widowed when the app gets uninstalled, or even as it gets upgraded and files get left behind.
On computers it became unnecessary because we moved on to 1TB hard drives, and clearing up a gig of space wasn't worth anyone's time. But when you have a phone with only 13 usable GB? Clearing up 1GB is a huge deal.
I use SDMaid, personally, from time to time to achieve this. I might have considered trying CCleaner. On the other hand, my SMS backup app scans and backs them up in less than a third of the time CCleaner needs to scan only.
There is no doubt that CCleaner for Android work very well and helps to remove junk, unnecessary files and makes the device run fast. Many users on Google Play have a good experience with this app.
You thought it was a good idea to compare a poorly thought-out Android app to the systematic extermination of millions of human beings? As someone who's worked in IT for over 15 years, I'd strongly suggest you run CCleaner on yourself, because there's very clearly a very large stick lodged up your ass.
Yeah, it was put up there by the extermination of approximately 11 million of my fellow human beings, including 6 million of my fellow Jews. Instigated by the person you guys are OK with making jokes about. I don't know, there's something to be said for the concept of reducing Adolf Hitler to such a complete joke that nobody will ever take him or his ideals seriously ever again.
I mean, if a political figure named Richard Owmyballs announced he had figured out how to solve every ill that affected the English-speaking world, do you really think anyone would bother to listen?
You're basically an oversensitive dickhead. I support Cameron's right to make that joke. Change your tampon and move on. Well, I support your right to free speech. But still, screw yourself with a garden rake. You do realise that Task Killers are basically extermination of millions of Android phones in the sense that they hinder their fluidity?
Task killers in android are all bad. They do way more harm than good. Not because they do not do their job task killing well, but task killing is itself doing the opposite of optimizing your experience. I don't use a task killer I don't think "Android doesn't need it" is a good enough argument unless you have a idealised set up on your phone - which is difficult for even expreineced users let alone Little Jimmy Newtoandroid.
Actually, Android doesn't need it since GB. All task killers do is cause jagged up performance in the long run, missed notifications and much more. If you set it up properly and if it works at all similar to Greenify, though obviously the difference being killing apps instead of hibernating, it could definitely improve performance for phones with small amounts of RAM.
On my old GNex, Greenify made a huge well, relatively I just had to watch what I set it to hibernate. Mail apps, Pandora, etc etc were all out. However Netflix, Maps, etc etc were all safe to hibernate.
Greenify is the only exception because it is not essentially a Task Killer rather a Hibernator. Greenify does a force stop, which is why it needs root. That's not the same thing as "task killing", which is pointless. So no, this can't work similarly to Greenify.
It depends on how they do it. Anyway, battery issues are usually related to the apps you install. Most task killers kill tasks and processes thus aren't recommended because the task when relaunched may misbehave.
I agree on the battery part though. It's more an issue of wakelocks etc and less of tasks. And consequently a saving in battery and immediate increase in response. Maybe people prefer that? People who have full faith in Android's application management have probably adapted their usage to align with it - ie are power users.
If you think power users are those who use task killers you are sadly mistaken. Plus, those benefits are short term and don't last for more than a few minutes. I think and wrote the exact opposite. That's my point - the only people who don't need task killers are those possible like yourself who are able to actively maintain their phones.
For normal users Android's app management misses the mark, hence the popularity of apps like these. While I understand your point, it's not as if the new feature is malicious. It's pointless, but not malicious.
Which is why your Hitler comparison or comment I'm not sure, your wording was horrible is actually a bit offensive. To the best of my knowledge, Priform isn't out there killing or promoting the killing of millions of people.
Sure, it'll slow down your phone a bit when you run that app the next time. However, there's nothing inherently "harmful" about that. Giving the average user this feature is a helluva lot more practical than saying "No, you can't have it, because Android works this way.
Unless if they start charging for CCleaner, it's not even like you could claim they're stealing from you. However, any app that you have to pay for that's a task killer Again, not to the device necessarily, but because they're making money off of people's lack of knowledge.
Sure, that's where most people get that idea, but that's because they're comparing apples to oranges. Because people are stupid. If you actually run enough stuff to OOM you will get poor performance, welcome to life. In android background apps get the axe.
While it is true that free RAM is wasted memory, people who say that often don't seem to realize that used memory can also be wasted memory. It all depends on how it's being used. More specifically, it was the change in memory management between XP and Vista that led to people getting the idea.
People saw a massive increase in used memory between the two, and given Vista's already-existing reputation for unnecessary bloat, the "knows just enough to be dangerous" contingent decided that the RAM usage was obviously the cause of Vista's poor performance as opposed to the sub-par hardware OEMs liked to install Vista on and got to work on writing up detailed lists of services to disable and changes to make to one's fresh Vista install.
Cue painkiller shortages in every city a tech support call center was located. Vista actually WAS a notorious resource hog. Even on good quality hardware performance degraded quickly. It's been a while since I had Vista on my computer, but I don't recall having any of the problems that everyone liked to scream and doomsay over.
Still switched to 7 when it came out, but that was more due to liking the UI changes than any serious performance complaints. I installed it on my main PC at home, and maybe 3 months later it was already significantly slower.
I don't know what they did with it, but it was a bad OS. And this was on a custom built gaming rig, so it was most definitely not a resource issue. Whether or not it was Vista in and of itself as opposed to third-party software having no clue what the fuck it was doing a depressingly common problem regardless of the specific Windows version, this derail has very little to do with the point of my original comment: If it doesn't create a DLP Fingerprint of their product and ban it.
Syafiq, venustus and Sunshine-boy like this. Piriform brags about how many firms use their Cloud Based Cleaner Agomo. What's the fallout from that? I wonder if the GoT leaks just a few weeks ago was related? Syafiq, TairikuOkami, venustus and 3 others like this.
Dec 4, 1, Windows 10 Panda. AtlBo, Syafiq, venustus and 2 others like this. AtlBo, Sunshine-boy, Syafiq and 2 others like this. Don't take virustotal as a way to measure to protection by some product.
CCleaner and installing avast with out permission AtlBo, Syafiq, L S and 4 others like this. Syafiq, L S, mlnevese and 5 others like this. Dec 30, 3, 16, Sydney Windows 10 Kaspersky.
AtlBo, Syafiq, Sunshine-boy and 4 others like this. Nov 30, italy ESET. AtlBo and Syafiq like this. Mehdi Mohammadi Level 1. Microsoft says that non of the Tune-Up products are suitable for windows. Some of them have bad effect on windows.
AtlBo, Sunshine-boy, Syafiq and 1 other person like this. Aug 24, Incredible I have this infected version and i changue my passwords during the time of infection, no one of my security products detect it.
Did i have to changue my passwords again? AtlBo, Syafiq and frogboy like this. AtlBo, Syafiq, L S and 2 others like this. AtlBo, Syafiq and venustus like this. L S Level 5. Jul 16, 1, Windows 10 Avast.
Hi brothers in the time of ccleaner hack i have the hacked version installed. I go to all my accounts and start to changue all my passwords and put they on Enpass. In that time i dont know ccleaner are hacked.
I have too many security soft like Adguard, Winantirasom, Emsisoft but no one detect ccleaner hacked. Now i follow cisco and i format my pc reinstall all my software now. Do you think i have to changue all my passwords again?
Only update Enpass file or create another file?
11.11.2010 : 03:13 Tunos:
One of my favorites, which I have used for years, is called Ccleaner. You are the owner of this article. Edit Edit Article Add New Article. Dec 01, · Visit Here to optimize and speed up your mac for FREE ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com Mac Cleaner, MacCleaner, Mac-Cleaner, Ccleaner for Mac, ccleaner for. Sep 18, · Q&A Ccleaner Infected - How to make sure PC is clean? When you update to new version ccleaner it's delete the previous version, venustus and Sunshine-boy like.
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21.11.2010 : 23:40 Nalabar:
Piriform Just Ruined CCleaner For Android, Added In The Dreaded added-in-the-dreaded-task-killer-feature/# ccleaner on my computer for years, I am new to. Sep 30, · Q&A Ccleaner Infected - How to make sure PC is clean? venustus and Sunshine-boy like this. just update to the new version of CCleaner, and you will be fine. Find SunShine Software software downloads at CNET ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com, the most comprehensive source for safe, trusted, and spyware-free downloads on the Web.

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