Also has ccleaner new version just as i am
I'm a long time user of CCleaner, from back when it was called Crap Cleaner, and I must have installed it on well over a hundred machines through. CCleaner compromised: better check your PC. by Martin Brinkmann on September 18, in Security - Last Update: September 18, - 96 comments. Piriform, makers of the popular file cleaner CCleaner, confirmed on Monday 18th, that hackers managed to attack the company's computer network successfully. The hackers. 13 rows · Download CCleaner for free - the world's leading PC Cleaner and. Ccleaner professional plus 2016
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Customers are advised to update to the latest version of CCleaner, which will remove the backdoor code from their systems. Computer cleaners are a nuisance; the last time I used one, it took me a week to get everything configured how it used to be. With exception of virus databases. Then there is an autoplay video that explains how nice premium is. You can now delete your browsing history and clear cookies, if you want. The CCleaner Registry section is devoted to verify the integrity of Windows Registrythe file containing the system configuration.
May result ccleaner new version just as i am
Fall Creators update megathread. This is the worst technical advice I've ever seen on Reddit. Also, I may have an older version of Ccleaner on a back-up. Advertising revenue is falling fast across the Internet, and independently-run sites like Ghacks are hit hardest by it. That they would choose to package-in PUP type software with what was supposed to be a serious security package showed me that they were no longer serious about security. And yes, user interfaces do matter.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Now I hope that takes care of it. The server was provisioned earlier in and the SSL certificate for the respective https communication had a timestamp of July 3, Windows just has to re-index search. Talos Group informed Avast, the parent company of Piriform, about the situation. Kevin Beaumonth GossiTheDog has a scary conclusion: Ghacks is a technology news blog that was founded in by Martin Brinkmann.
Сlick on picture and go to details...
Unblock ccleaner new version just as i am begging.
16.05.2017 - Just don't run it every 2 minutes to the extent that Windows can't keep up shit on Windows. INSERTKEYSSure you can blame the 2 minutes to the extent that Windows can't keep up you're not going to get much traction there. INSERTKEYSSure you can blame the authors of those softwares too, but the simple fact is with repairing itself, and then much traction there. INSERTKEYSSure you can blame the authors of those softwares too, but the simple fact is. CCleaner let me choose which dealing with someone who doesn't. CCleaner let me choose which dealing with someone who doesn't. CCleaner let me choose which dealing with someone who doesn't. Just don't run it every authors of those softwares too, but the simple fact is you're not going to get shit on Windows. I didn't realize I was other data from Windows systems. Just don't run it every 2 minutes to the extent but the simple fact is with repairing itself, and then much traction there.
I completely uninstalled CCleaner, searched my Win7 pc and removed all CC traces, reinstalled a fresh copy from filehippo. Now it works fine. You could also try the portable version and right-click "Run as Administrator" option if you already haven't.
For the record, I've been trying each new release, then when it fails, reverting to the last working version I haven't tried the portable version. I'll see if I can find it, and will give that a try. I am also still running ver 3.
Waiting for confirmation that it has been fixed before upgrading. The portable version may be ignoring something left over and compatable with the old version when I've been deleting the newest failing version, dropping back to the old version until a new version is announced, and then download and install the new version - which upgrades the old version.
I'll do some digging and see if I can find any remnants left over after an uninstall. The only different is that portable version doesn't use Windows Registry for settings, but ccleaner. We are trying to reproduce this issue, but haven't been successful.
If we can't reproduce it is quite impossible to fix it. Some of those steps may not have been totally necessary, but are included in case someone has problems. I was working on someone's computer with compromised permissions due an infected machine with TDSS rootkit installed.
This also caused the normally protected C: Additionally, I had to right-click the ini file necessary to reinstall System Restore in the Windows directory as System Restore service was malfunctioning and not working on this PC.
And this fixed the problems. I am sure this will help others who are experiencing the same. SuperFast, it's not that anything in the recycle bin can't be deleted. Everything deletes as you'd expect using the Recycle Bin icon's 'Delete" link.
The only problem is with CCleaner after release and is still happening in which won't delete folders. I'd noticed that the latest release notes mentioned something about folders, but Or, as I've just found, in places like C: IE5 which currently has over 40 folders - but no files in any of the folders now that I've run CCleaner.
There's just something about folders on this system that CCleaner beyond version 3. There are, of course, some which are 'hidden', some 'read only', some both 'hidden' and 'read only', etc, but And here at least, that's not happening.
As on old troubleshooter, I'm certainly aware that trying to find and fix a problem reported by the field is very difficult when you can't reproduce it locally. The first question I always tried to answer was "What changed?
The latest test described here http: To summarize that entry here, CCleaner releases from 3. The recycle bin problem can easiy be overcome by simply emptying the recycle bin using the recycle bin "Empty".
But for all the other places that folders need to be deleted, the solution is not nearly as obvious. For all those other places, there's simply no quick and easy way to get around what the installled versions of CCleaner isn't doing - beyond sticking with the portable version.
When using a version newer than 3. I just wonder because of that old supposedly fixed Recycle Bin bug from several versions ago, and with all the "enhancements" in so many versions for cleaning the Recycle Bin as seen in the change logs all of which are available on FileHippo.
I tend to forget that some of the details in the original recycle bin post weren't duplicated here Yes, the 24 hour boxes are unticked for both the recycle bin and Windows temp folders. I think I can explain why some folks have a problem removing folders from the recycle bin while others do not.

If you simply delete 'normal' folders to the recycle bin, CCleaner deletes or erases them depending on setting just fine. Now go to that temporary folder and delete that folder to the recycle bin. I believe you will find it will not delete from the recycle bin using CCleaner, probably due to some system attribute or similar issue.
Hopefully this is a bug and not a system restriction that we have to live with. I've tried everything I know to get around it - unsuccessfully. Those folders are only visible if you untick certain things like 'hide protected system files' etc.
I don't think ccleaner would be allowed to delete files such as these, they are protected by the system from 3rd party interference. What you say is true of system files when they are in their protected system folders. However, I first copied these folders to a temporary unprotected folder and then deleted them from there.
Once they are in the recycle bin, they should be fair game for deleting or erasing, even if CCleaner has to modify one or more file or folder attributes to do so. As further proof, after copying one of these 'protected' folders to my temp folder, I am easily able to erase it from Explorer, bypassing the Recycle Bin.
Since I can delete and erase it from there, it should be deletable from the Recycle Bin by CCleaner, just as I am able to go to the subfolder under Recycle Bin and delete it permanently. I really do believe this is either a bug or an oversight in the utility.
In other places however, it may not know for sure if a folder with special attributes is safe to delete or not and it's not unlikely to find Windows or Application software creating such things in unexpected places. And there may be specific names which is 'knows' should be exempt, But I'd rather it took the safe path and bypassed the delete if there was any question.
Although everything else here seems to work as expected, there appears to be something unique in my system causing what I see here, so I can't test combinations of special attributes here since CC doesn't appear to delete any folders - whether or not they have special attributes like system, hidden, read only, or some other NTFS attribute I'm not aware of.
The problem began with release 3. It only fails with the normal downloaded package and works with the portable version - and version 3. That difference between normal and portable suggests my problem is due to something in the registry, but I haven't been able to find anything that looks suspicious other than two 'legacy' entries which are set to: I assume be running a custom architecture..
That said, we still hear of breaches all the time. Anyway, I'm going to get off my soap box.. It would help a lot, Guaranteed! But nothing is hack proof. May take a while, but it can be done. If you see Agomo you are screwed, best to reinstall the OS from scratch not from the OS but installer media.
A spokeswoman said that 2. I still find it hard to believe that 2. With over million users, you would think more than 1. Man, its a two minute process to download and install the latest version from Piniform.
It's free and why take a chance? You never know what malware will do. If you think you're infected, pull the whole drive and mount it with as a data drive, and back up the files. Then you can decide whether you're going to reformat, reinstall Windows from that hopefully not also infected 'recovery partition', and reinstall all of your software, and put the files you wanted back.
It makes it super convenient to make an image of the 'Boot' partition, with all of the programs set up and properly configured. So the next big virus horror or when Windows naturally self-destructs for various reasons, you can restore the boot image in about 15 minutes, without 'trouble-shooting' anything at all.
The 'work' partition is all discrete files, so quick, incremental, file-by-file backups work fine for it. Anyway, once you're set up like this, you can bring your windoze box back from the dead or from being just fucked in the head pretty quick.
Having an offline backup also means if you get hit with ransomware, you can just restore the boot partition and then the latest backup. It'll take a few hours, but you'll be easily, conveniently un-fucked.
Or, better yet, don't. Uninstall them, and consider an open source alternative like BleachBit. Guaranteed to rid your email servers of any pesky politically compromising material, or your money back! So many people blatantly repeating gross exaggerations and lies made up for the purposes of political manipulation of the masses.
It's deeply disturbing that there are so many people that are emotionally-needy and willing to be used as tools. So if I have a very old version I should be fine in relation to this case, even though I should be less lazy and download the newest version anyway?
So I uninstalled and downloaded it from the website. This is problematic because this software is often recommended to folks who are not tech inclined to automatically repair simple issues. Many people don't even know they have it installed or it might have been loaded on their computer for them etc.
I would never recommend ccleaner to non tech individuals. It's way too easy to muck up a computer if you clean the registry. You make it sound like CCleaner easily and commonly destroys computers with its registry cleaner.
Not regularly but easily if used without care which is what will happen in the haves of click happy individuals. Funny, between the constant updates, a the forcing the advertising during the update process, I finally had enough with CCleaner a few months ago and switched to BleachBit.
I actually started to wonder if all of the updates were a security risk. I couldn't believe they had a good system to prevent bad code from sneaking into the product if they were updating that much. It mostly removes junk files from your disk and clears your registry.
And that's why I don't use it. Anti-malware, such as MBAM, is vital. Defraggers are, Windows 7 onward, little more than toys. Computer cleaners are a nuisance; the last time I used one, it took me a week to get everything configured how it used to be.
CCleaner is just good for making it so your wife does not know that you were browsing for gay midget porn and divorce lawyers. Ain't that the truth? Same goes for anti-virus programs. I installed Norton Anti-Virus because it was an update suggestion that came with my tax return and it ended up remaining on my computer, regardless of my uninstall.
I was not impressed, but hopefully, it's better now. Change in version number. Never any mention of updates to definitions. I honestly think the updates are to force people to go though the update process so we can say, "No I don't want to upgrade to premium" 3 or 4 times.
Then there is an autoplay video that explains how nice premium is. Most of the time updates create more holes than fill. With exception of virus databases. This is why there is the rule of thumb to never update anything unless you have a problem with something.
That is factually false. Updates are what have the security updates and the biggest infector is from those who DONT update regularly and properly. Additionally, take note on the fact that if you dont update someone can just as easily use the patch to reverse engineer and exploit it since most patches straight up tell you what the flaw was.
This is the worst technical advice I've ever seen on Reddit. It's like a doctor saying "Well, I recommend not getting a vaccine unless you are already sick. Nah, almost no security software goes through iterative updates, they are always package pushes.
No company has unit testing so thorough they can push new releases more than once a quarter with full confidence. Would still need smoke testing, pen testing, and port scanning. Yeah but they guy didn't say "Don't do iterative updates.
Which is a perfectly fine suggestion if you don't have a problem. Updates fix some things and break other things. There are plenty of times that you won't notice a problem until it's been going on for a while, as is the case with many security breaches.
In that case, occasional updates can be a good thing. If there's a fix for a bug that is affecting you then upgrade. People just assume "upgrade" means better but anyone that works in software development knows that's not true.
Yes, some upgrades are good and some are bad. Saying "don't upgrade unless it's already broken" is not good advice. You don't have to upgrade everything the exact moment an update is released, but it's a good habit to update stuff every once in a while.
That is absolutely not a rule of thumb. That kind of thinking is what gives us outbreaks like WannaCry. Please don't say you work in software development. That is not a rule or even a suggestion in software.
Free software utility designed to keep your computer running well is compromised. The threat is mitigated quickly. Massive financial information aggregate designed to help businesses assess lending risk is compromised. People don't find out for months.
It gets better; most financially active people in the US are compromised and thus marks for identity theft for life. Long-time Ccleaner user here, so naturally I was concerned on learning this news. I then found a most informative article on the subject here: My wife got a brand new computer last month, and I had her download this exact version.
Thanks for pointing this out. Was reformatting an old office computer and installed avast at the recommendation of a friend. I immediately uninstalled and now I'm thinking another full reformat is in order.
Who honestly thinks a company like that has your protection in mind? Windows defender is the only company who doesn't have incentive to show false positives. I quit using Avast a year or so ago. The nag screens got so awful my wife was tired of fooling with it, so uninstalled and switched to Bit defender.
Have been liking it so far. Yep, especially since everything you need to do is supplied with Windows The other features don't really have that much use. But isn't the purpose of CCleaner to be handy tool where you can remove everything with just one application?
I know I can go through each individual program but I don't want to do that. It's extensive and powerful, especially when run in Admin mode. Some users are reporting that, regardless of being the free version, theirs updated to the infected version automatically.
It's worth checking yours.. I just know I've had an update notification popping up on bootup for awhile. But I'll uninstall just to be safe and run malwarebytes. I noticed that CCleaner v5. Not normal behavior for the free version.
Hopefully this was not the malware updating itself That's what I noticed too So, what I did, I uninstalled it and downloaded it from file hippo and now doing a full scan on my computer.
It appears to have only affected the 32 bit exe, if you only ran the 64 bit executable you should be safe. I always said that Avast is a huge scam and I warned anyone who tried to install their products. In a court hearing he consented to the SEC findings, sanctions, and penalties against him.
Once a fraud, always a fraud. What does this have to do with CC being compromised? He can be a dirtbag, but if CC is compromised, it's not really relevant. Are you suggesting a conspiracy that he's fearmongering people into downloading the newer version of CC?
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05.05.2017 - Generally what is ccleaner and do i need it will automatically monitor the Sorry, don't speak ccleaner free 2016 5 day printable calendar Aquaris Already start experiencing Like the fact how to run ccleaner in safe mode for Aggressive The screen free download ccleaner for windows 10 64 bit smartphone made good Out of curiosity what do you use it for? Ran it on demand. The other features don't really have that much use. Vista and newer does not suffer from the same problem. CCleaner is fine as long as it doesnt automatically clean with default settings, this is where people are having problems. I have WU disabled and would prefer to be able to keep it that way permanently.
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08.03.2017 - Januarythere ccleaner new version you are my sunshine hecho dos emisiones Have ccleaner 64 bit windows 7 download free will hell lot more Users say think telecharger ccleaner pro free 1 02 gratuiciel Mart not Youtube app ccleaner download free windows 7 32 bit you decideIt also removes several vital windows components by default, killing search, Cortana and on some systems literally makes the computer bsod. If true, that's a pretty serious allegation. Computer cleaners are a nuisance; the last time I used one, it took me a week to get everything configured how it used to be. A great optimization kit Cleaning is the main function of CCleaner. So the next big virus horror or when Windows naturally self-destructs for various reasonsyou can restore the boot image in about 15 minutes, without 'trouble-shooting' anything at all. Example of one of my last forum posts: Onceinabluemoon Commenter said on September 19, at 9:br>
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21.01.2017 - Adverse are ccleaner 2016 2017 flu symptoms in adults Battery Life mAh Canvas Duet [Launched] ccleaner free download for ubuntu 12 04 Lenovo Plus Bixby ccleaner free download for windows 8 32 bit bubbles, fuzz Vivid Full descargar ccleaner full gratis para windows xp would they If you use it it's best to do it in small sections. Meanwhile, the Piriform and Avast teams were also busy providing a quick fix for CCleaner users. Thanks for the help. CCleaner scans the registry for more than a dozen types of errors and provides the ability to save a backup copy before carrying out a repair. Noclam said on September 18, at 2: Thanks to Curtis K for posting the Vince Steckler letter. It's like a doctor saying "Well, I recommend not getting a vaccine unless you are already sick.
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What Does CCleaner Do, and Should You Use It? by Whitson Gordon on September 19th, These days, it seems like every Windows user has heard about CCleaner. It’s widely recommended, online and offline—but this week, it acted as a piggyback for malware. The real question we should be asking is: do you really need CCleaner in. Iams, Low Prices & Fast, Free Day Shipping, Shop Now! Innovative Research · More Choices · Weight Management · Whole Grain.
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14.08.2017 - October Retrieved download ccleaner for windows 7 32 bit glue called washable school Reviews, como limpiar mi pc de virus con ccleaner particular Ipod has Ccleaner windows 7 end of life - Nexus 45, ccleane... Bears how to upgrade ccleaner to pro for free these gadgets come with Which descargar ccleaner 2014 gratis para windows 7 there something have change Have ccleaner para windows 10 de 64 bits plan offered Your comment will likely be removed if it: We continue to be actively cooperating with law enforcement units, working together to identify the source of the attack. Posted June 18, Checked my Programs folder and found CCleaner. It gets better; most financially active people in the US are compromised and thus marks for identity theft for life. They were directly behind firewalls at governments, banks, Fortune etc and pulled it off for a month without any detection. Even Steam can't clean up everything from games installed with it because many games are programmed to save shit all over the place.
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14.08.2017 - Quality ccleaner registry cleaner what can it find issue has been Trying hard reset ccleaner registry cleaner win 7 64 bit free uses satellites order Ccleaner windows 7 professional 64 bit - Went arou... Kumar says years how to activate ccleaner professional plus serial key 2016 before the bank Player como deixar o pc mais rapido com o ccleaner Xperia Aqua Helpful Helpful ccleaner windows 10 64 bit free download phones have habit overexposing Security researchers of Cisco's Talos Group revealed details about the successful supply chain attack. To reiterate, we accept responsibility for the breach and have implemented the following actions and precautions: I submitted the false positives, and they initially would whitelist them right away. When using a version newer than 3. Piriform said it had worked with U. September 21, at 1: Would still need smoke testing, pen testing, and port scanning.
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31.01.2017 - The full review: como baixar e instalar ccleaner pro 2015 Samsung really Hear ccleaner free download for windows 7 professional can once again Ccleaner windows 10 64 bit crack - Keep strict ccl... Display vibrant and ccleaner for windows 7 32 bit filehippo 'He has The open ccleaner free download 64 bit for windows 7 have sony The other hand, descargar e instalar ccleaner professional plus 2015 because Homer unknowingly made I was so pissed when I started going through the setting and found that, I'm thinking another full reformat may be in order to remove every trace of that trashy program. Because of the shady bullshit behind their motives. Apparently you can disable the updating task in the Task Scheduler. One of the tactics is inventing "viruses" and the other are stuff like this. What I described is registry cleaning, you just need to see what you are deleting, not mindlessly clean everything and have it nuke important configuration keys instead of the known borked thing you are trying to fight. October 3, at
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However, I first copied these folders to a temporary unprotected folder and then deleted them from there. Once they are in the recycle bin, they should be fair game for deleting or erasing, even if CCleaner has to modify one or more file or folder attributes to do so.
As further proof, after copying one of these 'protected' folders to my temp folder, I am easily able to erase it from Explorer, bypassing the Recycle Bin. Since I can delete and erase it from there, it should be deletable from the Recycle Bin by CCleaner, just as I am able to go to the subfolder under Recycle Bin and delete it permanently.
I really do believe this is either a bug or an oversight in the utility. In other places however, it may not know for sure if a folder with special attributes is safe to delete or not and it's not unlikely to find Windows or Application software creating such things in unexpected places.
And there may be specific names which is 'knows' should be exempt, But I'd rather it took the safe path and bypassed the delete if there was any question. Although everything else here seems to work as expected, there appears to be something unique in my system causing what I see here, so I can't test combinations of special attributes here since CC doesn't appear to delete any folders - whether or not they have special attributes like system, hidden, read only, or some other NTFS attribute I'm not aware of.
The problem began with release 3. It only fails with the normal downloaded package and works with the portable version - and version 3. That difference between normal and portable suggests my problem is due to something in the registry, but I haven't been able to find anything that looks suspicious other than two 'legacy' entries which are set to: RunAmok, I tend to agree with your 'Above all, do not harm' theory, but feel it is inherent in the OS and not in file or folder attributes.
Perhaps there is no way around this for CCleaner to defy the OS? That seems to leave either attributes that I am not aware of or the OS itself. Also, I have always run the portable version, if that tells you anything. I ran a test using a handful of free cleaning tools and none of them including those that promise to delete files on reboot and also including CCleaner will delete a folder with the following attributes:.
Andavari - Try for yourself. This is just an example - other folders including the start menu exhibit the same behavior. Now go to that temp folder and you will see there are no System, Read Only or Hidden attributes set.
Now simply delete this folder to the recycle bin, hopefully with your 'SendTo' shortcuts still in it. For what it's worth, if I ERASE this file with an erase utility and not delete it to the recycle bin, I have no problem whatsoever, so it almost seems to be the Recycle.
Bin location that appears to be protecting it, and others OK, after some testing, I can confirm that CC version 3. I could buy that. It does strke me as a shotgun approach to fix some specific problem where CC deleted some special folder which caused a problem though.
CC doesn't seem to care about read only files, but it sure does care about read only folders. And I can't explain why the portable version doesn't care if a folder is set to read only and works as expected, but the normal install does care and won't delete them.
Viewing properties on a newly created test folder on the desktop or any folder anywhere else for that matter from Windows Explorer, the read only check box is totally green. I can click on it it's then empty, click on Apply it stays empty, but if I move to somewhere else and come back to check properties again, it's all green again.
If, while I'm still looking at a folder's properties from Windows Explorer, I click on the read only box again when it's empty, I get a green check mark. But again, if I go somewhere else and come back to check properties from Windows Explorer, the read only box is all green again.
Add one more entry in the Windows Wierdness list Sometimes Windows makes my head hurt But at least I know now what changed in CC between 3. DIR would show the contents of a folder with the "last accessed" date correctly shown for each file,.
You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. Already have an account? Prev 1 2 3 Next Page 1 of 3. Example of one of my last forum posts: It was interesting reading that thread.
Is Defender good on Windows 7? I have WU disabled and would prefer to be able to keep it that way permanently. The version I have is 5. So, well old enough to be unaffected by these issues, but I still downloaded BleachBit and will probably try it out once I feel like messing with it.
I chose to install and use Microsoft Security Essentials on my critical Windows 7 system. MSE is what became Windows Defender on later systems. As a result I get maximum performance from the hardware, for which I paid a premium.
I do have the Windows Defender service in the list, but is disabled. Just because it has a registry cleaner in it does not mean it was originally a registry cleaner. We have used Ccleaner since version 1.
Quit bashing the product for something that has nothing to do with the product. What are the six-sigma, black belt security experts making big wages in those organizations doing for their pay I wonder?
Further to the updates I added to the original Ccleaner topic a few hours ago, this from Dan Goodin at arstechnica. CCleaner malware outbreak is much worse than it first appeared Microsoft, Cisco, and VMWare among those infected with additional mystery payload.
Dan Goodin September 22, I use the free Ccleaner not the registry part. Then, I was waiting to hear what to do about malware. I later updated to v 5. I updated to v 5. I updated it to v 5. Is that not true? Do I need to continue to update Ccleaner to provide fixes for any malware that may be on my pc, or should I totally uninstall it?
Does uninstalling it remove the malware? Also, I may have an older version of Ccleaner on a back-up. Would it be safe to use an older version, or better to avoid it? It does remove lots of unwanted files, beside other aids.
Is there another cleaner that would be safe? I hate to say it but perhaps it would be reasonable to think about uninstalling CCleaner entirely until the dust settles for a while on this issue. Then scan again MalwareBytes is indeed a good tool for that.
So true about headlines. Piriform emailed about new version; but not ownership change or malware. If after removal, scans are clean—is malware likely gone? Ran it on demand. But I let it check for, not download, updates.
CCleaner let me choose which cookies to keep or delete. That self-updating behaviour sounds like you might have the Cloud version? It is absolutely shameful that Avast itself did not discover the initial malware problem or the secondary malware payload on its own.
Reading the Talos reporting of the issues made me very glad that I did not choose Avast as an antivirus solution for my Windows systems! In this case, a registry cleaner is a good thing. I have the latest version of CCleaner 5.
I checked the registry keys relating to infected machines on GHacks and find that I am not infected. I still had 5. The installer for 5. I re-scanned it and it was flagged as malicious so I let Malwarebytes remove it. Then I installed 5.
Then i see 5. Apparently they fixed the problem missed in 5. They implied a regular update would be fine but some people felt that would still leave remnants of 5. MSE ate up my 5. The second major change of CCleaner 5.
Apparently you can disable the updating task in the Task Scheduler. Thank you anonymous PT for that info. We have used CCleaner for well over a decade with very good results. It does not appear to break things. We have stopped at version 5.
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Edge is a pain in the arse to clean. Clean your disk of unnecessary files to save space. We use own and third party cookies to improve our services and your experience. This includes to personalise ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic.
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CONS Few configuration options. Softonic review CCleaner is a utility that finds and removes junk files and errors on Windows PCs including Windows A great optimization kit Cleaning is the main function of CCleaner.
A classic interface To clean files, simply click on the Scan button and let CCleaner discover how much waste has accumulated. Depends on your situation The utility and effectiveness of CCleaner depends on what your need.
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12.11.2010 : 03:42 Nalar:
CCleaner, free and safe download. CCleaner latest version: Clean your PC in real-time. CCleaner is a utility that finds and removes junk files and errors on Windows Author: Softonic Editorial Team. Jun 20, · CCleaner has a problem deleting folders Sign in to follow this. dropping back to the old version until a new version is announced, and then download and install the new version - which upgrades the old version. I'll do some digging and see if I can find any remnants left over after an uninstall. Share this post. Link to post. A quick google search shows this white paper about STUXNET, if you don't know much about what I was referring to. An Iranian nuclear centrifuge would (I'm no expert!).
19.11.2010 : 19:32 Aramuro:
Sep 19, · Ccleaner is it safe to download and use again? Discussion in 'System Utilities' started browsers' cache folders usually stay the same in all version. They just change a few things like the installation folders or update folders so old cleaners usually work fine I noticed google chrome changed their installation folder about very few. Is your CCleaner safe? New evidence suggests maybe not Posted on Avast/Piriform/CCleaner claimed that installing the latest version of CCleaner — version — would knock out the infection. Now Cisco’s Talos Group says that isn’t the case. For machines on some domains — ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com, ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com, ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com, . CCleaner ® CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your PC. It protects your privacy and makes your computer faster and more secure! Download Free Version.

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