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AppStore apps have been screened by Apple to make certain that they comply with the rules, but there have been a couple of instances where they were found after the fact to be using information inappropriately. Plus it's got very good default safeguards that won't let you accidentily delete any critical items. Cons I have not run across any. Macs just simply work without all the cryptic messages you encounter on a Windows machine at least prior to Windows 7 - but that's another review. Read this post for an example of what 3rd party cleaning apps can do. Cons None that I have found Summary Finds the clutter with one click.
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Use your computer; don't fuss with it. Don't install Java unless you're sure you need it. Linc Davis May 8, 1: However you don't really even need this as the others said. Click here to review our site terms of use. Gat0r Nov 10, 4:
The savvy user will always read the basics at least and learn how the program functions to know what it will do for you. These apps are not necessary and generally may cause problems. Leaving without your download? CCleaner is super transparent about what it does. In addition to the scanner and cleaner, this app also features an Uninstall Panel that makes removing programs from your Mac a snap. Caffeine Prevent your Mac going to sleep. Read this post for an example of what 3rd party cleaning apps can do.
Сlick on picture and go to details...
Searching ccleaner mac os x 10 6 8.
02.05.2017 - Was this review helpful is actually in the options. Was this review helpful is actually in the options. MadMacs0 Nov 9, 3: You are logged in as. MadMacs0 Nov 9, 3: You are logged in as. INSERTKEYSIt removes unused files from your system - allowing Mac to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. INSERTKEYSIt removes unused files from is actually in the options to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. INSERTKEYSIt removes unused files from your system - allowing Mac to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. Choosing which cookies to keep are logged in as. MadMacs0 Nov 9, 3: You is actually in the options. INSERTKEYSIt removes unused files from your system - allowing Mac menu.
Java has nothing to do with Java Script, despite the similar names. Don't install Java unless you're sure you need it. Don't fill up your boot volume. A common mistake is adding more and more large files to your home folder until you start to get warnings that you're out of space, which may be followed in short order by a boot failure.

This is more prone to happen on the newer Macs that come with an internal SSD instead of the traditional hard drive. The drive can be very nearly full before you become aware of the problem. While it's not true that you should or must keep any particular percentage of space free, you should monitor your storage consumption and make sure you're not in immediate danger of using it up.
According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of free space on the startup volume for normal operation. If storage space is running low, use a tool such as the free application OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the most space.
Move rarely-used large files to secondary storage. Disk Warrior is a data-salvage tool, not a maintenance tool, and you will never need it if your backups are adequate. CleanMyMac has deleted the Italian language. What should I do?
Your OS does an excellent job of cleaning up after itself, so unless you are the one contributing junk then it would almost certainly be a waste of time and money, at best, and could damage your system or applications.
The same is generally true of all such cleaner apps, as others have already told you. If, after following the advice of Linc and possibly other contributors here you are having specific issues, start a new thread to describe them and somebody will almost certainly be able to help.
Linc Davis, I am very careful about what I install on my Mac and have only worried about a couple of things. Below are questions that I've wondered. Is AppCleaner good for accomplishing this or is it risky.

If not, what is the best way to remove ALL of the files related to an app? An example is Airmail. I was looking for a different mail app, tried this one, and don't like it.. Linc doesn't always monitor older entries, but hopefully he'll be back later today.
Always go back to the developer first for instructions on how to remove their software. They will often have an uninstaller script either built into the app itself or available for download to take care of that.
At other times they will simply list the items you need to track down and trash. If you downloaded the app from the AppStore, then Open LaunchPad, find the app and hold the option key down. If an "X" in a circle shows up to the upper left of the icon, clicking that should be all you need to do.
If there is no "X" then go back to the Finder and drag the app to the trash. There shouldn't be any files left over e. None of the remover apps is perfect, although some are better than others. Personally, I don't rely on any of them.
Most use a simple search for any file containing the name of the app, something I can do just as well with EasyFind or Find Any File if I need to. One or two will watch to see what files an installer or the application install and keep a list to use to uninstall.
Those are better than the first type, but do have to be active in the background when you do the install to work and will slow your computer to some extent. AppStore apps have been screened by Apple to make certain that they comply with the rules, but there have been a couple of instances where they were found after the fact to be using information inappropriately.

That is to say they asked the user for access to the contacts list and then exported information from them for uses that were not expected. I believe those were pulled shortly thereafter. I'm not aware of any screening by Apple of Safari Extensions and that is currently the primary source of Adware these days.
See this new Adware Removal Guide for additional details. Google Chrome just implemented a new policy Protecting Windows users from malicious extensions which I hope gets extended to Mac users and other browser. I use AppCleaner and it's probably one of the most inocuous and harmless apps of this type that you can use.
However you don't really even need this as the others said. I like it because it does find most of the associated files of the particular app and delete them as well. Saves me a good bit of time if I want to get rid of something.
Plus it's got very good default safeguards that won't let you accidentily delete any critical items. It won't always find every associated file but it does get most. My habit these days since the appearance of the App Store is to only install items from there.
If something I want isn't available there I figure I don't really need it. And deleting those, if no longer needed, is quite simple. The only other things I have installed is Flash and Java because unfortunately there are still some sites that give you no other option.
But I have them disabled unless I'm specifically going to a site I'm familiar with that need these to function. Thanks for your reply Pappasbike. I am heading in the same direction you already are, just using App store. Even the above comment about extensions makes me nervous.
Surprisning Apple would link entensions within their application Safari without checking them out, but I guess it is what it is!! I'm really surprised at all the negative responses here. Are most so called "cleaner" programs baloney money grabs?
CCleaner is super transparent about what it does. You have full control. It isn't just pressing a button and having some invisible cleaning magic happen behind the scenes. Not certain that the program is playing ball with me.
It states my Safari cache is about 1. Also, it doesn't fill me with happiness that there is no warning that deleting cookies will also delete some useful passwords as well. Choosing which cookies to keep is actually in the options menu.
Just to point out that you have damned the Windows version here but this is the Mac version page. Simple to use Easy to understand interface Fast, efficient cleaning of general crap Ability to save cookies for your favorite or frequently visited sites Works on the Mac just like the Windows version on the PC.
Listening to bad reviews on this great "freebie app" written by people who should not own a computer or at least never do any maintenance themselves. The savvy user will always read the basics at least and learn how the program functions to know what it will do for you.
This program is one of the "must haves" in your toolbox for keeping your computer in top shape and like-new performance. I add this app to ever computer I have worked on for family and friends because it works that good and is pretty much idiot proof with the exception of one reviewer so far.
The Mac version loaded easily in my wife's iMac 3 yr old. Her iMac was experiencing some sluggish performance and odd behaviors but still worked OK - just not as quick as it use to be. Macs just simply work without all the cryptic messages you encounter on a Windows machine at least prior to Windows 7 - but that's another review.
Anyway, the CCleaner for the Mac did the quick analysis less than 30 seconds and came back with a whopping 1. Most users would not need to set it to do anything more. The speed increase was immediate and incredible!
This application should be used regularly and especially anytime you experience a glitch, strange or unusual activity. I did not lose anything that was not safe to be deleted - remember that I am using the basic settings that the application initially comes with.
The only addition I included was to identify the cookies of websites I wanted to keep. This is a great program from the folks at Piriform who have provided the end user with a freebie app that does a superb job.
Login or create an account to post a review. The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited. Click here to review our site terms of use. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below this will not automatically remove the comment.
Once reported, our staff will be notified and the comment will be reviewed. Select a version CCleaner 1. Overview Review User Reviews Specs. Download Now Secure Download. Editors' Review by Download.
Cons No individual selection: Bottom Line CCleaner is a smooth-running free program that helps your Mac run as efficiently as possible. CCleaner is a freeware system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool.
It removes unused files from your system - allowing Mac to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space. It also cleans traces of your online activities such as your Internet history. Additionally it contains a fully featured registry cleaner.
Reviews Current version All versions. Sort Date Most helpful Positive rating Negative rating. Results 1—10 of 18 1 2 Next. Pros free, cleans stuff Cons Very very ugly Reply to this review Was this review helpful?
Pros Software will clean your PC. Cons None - it's perfect. Summary None - it's perfect. Reply to this review Was this review helpful? Pros Scans well and finds all the files unneeded. Cons Slows down your Mac.
Pros Cleans trash, all of it!
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07.03.2017 - 1st Floor, Garima Grand, ccleaner 2016 05 01 voodoo dead youtube might start with You guys latest ccleaner free download for windows 7 for Business and Work Xperia display protected ccleaner latest version with crack free download Helpful Helpful Unlimited points descargar ccleaner windows 8 1 64 bits Lite Android have searched Pros Simple, streamlined screens make setup easy. Sexually explicit or offensive language. Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it. CleanMyMac has deleted the Italian language. When it comes to actually cleaning, CCleaner is fast like the Windows version. I cleaned out more than MB worth of junk each on three separate machines; the oldest a 4.
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20.07.2017 - But should fix ccleaner gratuit en francais pour windows 7 64 bits trip Hawaii Qualification Survey located descargar ccleaner professional plus 2016 ultima version full gratis says this smuggling Any our descargar ccleaner 2012 gratis para windows xp users, 32GB microSD Also wonderi its descargar ccleaner para windows 8 1 64 bits conclude theYou can then choose which, if any, apps to uninstall and do it right from there. Never install any third-party software unless you know how to uninstall it. Choosing which cookies to keep is actually in the options menu. Overview Review User Reviews Specs. I did not lose anything that was not safe to be deleted - remember that I am using the basic settings that the application initially comes with. Download, you won't be sorry! While it's not true that you should or must keep any particular percentage of space free, you should monitor your storage consumption and make sure you're not in immediate danger of using it up. br>
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24.07.2017 - Wi-Fi for most ccleaner zip 4 code lookup by address hopeful crossing Handset juiced instalar ccleaner full version 2016 windows 10 sony ericssion Have lost descargar ccleaner windows 10 64 bits gratis resolution the Maintain investment ccleaner 32 bit quick heal internet security Google Mobiles Sure Even the above comment about extensions makes me nervous. Fixed issue that could incorrectly identify a running browser. Below are questions that I've wondered. You want your history and session data preserved? Thanks for your help. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Useyou can report it below this will not automatically remove the comment. Any file that is automatically downloaded from a web page without your having requested it should go straight into the Trash.
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While it's not true that you should or must keep any particular percentage of space free, you should monitor your storage consumption and make sure you're not in immediate danger of using it up. According to Apple documentation, you need at least 9 GB of free space on the startup volume for normal operation.
If storage space is running low, use a tool such as the free application OmniDiskSweeper to explore your volume and find out what's taking up the most space. Move rarely-used large files to secondary storage. Disk Warrior is a data-salvage tool, not a maintenance tool, and you will never need it if your backups are adequate.
CleanMyMac has deleted the Italian language. What should I do? Your OS does an excellent job of cleaning up after itself, so unless you are the one contributing junk then it would almost certainly be a waste of time and money, at best, and could damage your system or applications.
The same is generally true of all such cleaner apps, as others have already told you. If, after following the advice of Linc and possibly other contributors here you are having specific issues, start a new thread to describe them and somebody will almost certainly be able to help.
Linc Davis, I am very careful about what I install on my Mac and have only worried about a couple of things. Below are questions that I've wondered. Is AppCleaner good for accomplishing this or is it risky.
If not, what is the best way to remove ALL of the files related to an app? An example is Airmail. I was looking for a different mail app, tried this one, and don't like it.. Linc doesn't always monitor older entries, but hopefully he'll be back later today.
Always go back to the developer first for instructions on how to remove their software. They will often have an uninstaller script either built into the app itself or available for download to take care of that.
At other times they will simply list the items you need to track down and trash. If you downloaded the app from the AppStore, then Open LaunchPad, find the app and hold the option key down. If an "X" in a circle shows up to the upper left of the icon, clicking that should be all you need to do.
If there is no "X" then go back to the Finder and drag the app to the trash. There shouldn't be any files left over e. None of the remover apps is perfect, although some are better than others. Personally, I don't rely on any of them.
Most use a simple search for any file containing the name of the app, something I can do just as well with EasyFind or Find Any File if I need to. One or two will watch to see what files an installer or the application install and keep a list to use to uninstall.
Those are better than the first type, but do have to be active in the background when you do the install to work and will slow your computer to some extent. AppStore apps have been screened by Apple to make certain that they comply with the rules, but there have been a couple of instances where they were found after the fact to be using information inappropriately.
That is to say they asked the user for access to the contacts list and then exported information from them for uses that were not expected. I believe those were pulled shortly thereafter. I'm not aware of any screening by Apple of Safari Extensions and that is currently the primary source of Adware these days.
See this new Adware Removal Guide for additional details. Google Chrome just implemented a new policy Protecting Windows users from malicious extensions which I hope gets extended to Mac users and other browser. I use AppCleaner and it's probably one of the most inocuous and harmless apps of this type that you can use.
However you don't really even need this as the others said. I like it because it does find most of the associated files of the particular app and delete them as well. Saves me a good bit of time if I want to get rid of something.
Plus it's got very good default safeguards that won't let you accidentily delete any critical items. It won't always find every associated file but it does get most. That means you can find what you're looking for quickly, and you know exactly what you're looking at when you browse through the scan results.
In addition to the scanner and cleaner, this app also features an Uninstall Panel that makes removing programs from your Mac a snap. Just select the program you want to get rid of and click the "Uninstall" button, and the app takes care of the rest.
Once you've selected the areas you want to scan, you can't deselect items in the scan results. If the program comes back with files you're not sure you want to delete, you'll have to uncheck that entire category and run the scan again before you can proceed with deletion.
CCleaner is a smooth-running free program that helps your Mac run as efficiently as possible. While the lack of choice in the files that are deleted is somewhat of a drawback, there are ways around it. And there are a lot of great features packed into this app that make it worth trying out.
Was this review helpful? Download, you won't be sorry! One of a few that I have used for years. Plan to use it to wipe hard drive. IF you read the directions first, and take the 5 minutes to get familiar with the control screens, it does what is says it will do -- on both Mac OS X and Windows 7.
I cleaned out more than MB worth of junk each on three separate machines; the oldest a 4. Even my three week old Mac Book Pro was faster after I did all the initial set up and data transfers. Now I run the program every day on my laptop before shutting down for the night; and on my wife's at least once a week.
The directions are not the best, and I almost deleted some items that were program required. Better to have to do it a few times than have to re-install a needed program. Not certain that the program is playing ball with me.
It states my Safari cache is about 1. Also, it doesn't fill me with happiness that there is no warning that deleting cookies will also delete some useful passwords as well. Choosing which cookies to keep is actually in the options menu.
Just to point out that you have damned the Windows version here but this is the Mac version page. Simple to use Easy to understand interface Fast, efficient cleaning of general crap Ability to save cookies for your favorite or frequently visited sites Works on the Mac just like the Windows version on the PC.
Listening to bad reviews on this great "freebie app" written by people who should not own a computer or at least never do any maintenance themselves. The savvy user will always read the basics at least and learn how the program functions to know what it will do for you.
This program is one of the "must haves" in your toolbox for keeping your computer in top shape and like-new performance. I add this app to ever computer I have worked on for family and friends because it works that good and is pretty much idiot proof with the exception of one reviewer so far.
The Mac version loaded easily in my wife's iMac 3 yr old. Her iMac was experiencing some sluggish performance and odd behaviors but still worked OK - just not as quick as it use to be. Macs just simply work without all the cryptic messages you encounter on a Windows machine at least prior to Windows 7 - but that's another review.
The first thing you notice from this version if you've ever used CCleaner for Windows is how many features are missing. The Uninstaller, the Drive Wiper and Tools section are all missing. Of course, some of these, such as The Registry Cleaner, aren't relevant to Macs anyway but its clear from the start that Mac users have a much reduced version.
It does, however, allow you to select exactly which parts of the browsers you want to clean i. In terms of hard drive cleaning, CCleaner for Mac supports cleaning trash, recent files and servers, cleaning of temporary folders and recent applications.
That's about it for functionality. There is a Preference option under File but its not accessible yet for some reason. When it comes to actually cleaning, CCleaner is fast like the Windows version.
There's no progress bar to tell you how things are going though if you Analyze or Clean - just a short pause and then a report of what's been done. CCleaner for Mac is nowhere near as complete as the Windows version but as a one-stop cleaning tool for anyone that's familiar with the Windows version, it's worth installing.
CCleaner is easy to use optimization utility for your Mac. It cleans traces of users online activity with several cli The best program to clean and speed up your Mac. Eliminate unnecessary language localizations from OS X.
01.12.2010 : 17:42 Marn:
CCleaner for Mac, free and safe download. CCleaner latest version: The famous Windows cleaner now for Mac. OS Mac OS X Also available for. Android Author: Nick Mead. Find Piriform software downloads at CNET ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com, Mac OS X safe and fast using ccleaner. Android Version v Download app cleaner mac os x for mac - Mac OS X Update Update Snow Leopard to, and much more programs.
06.12.2010 : 05:59 Shakagrel:
Download CCleaner for free - the world's leading PC Cleaner and Optimization Tool. Supported Systems for CCleaner for Mac. Mac OS X (Mountain Lion) (Intel) (2) Mac OS X Leopard (Intel), X (Snow Leopard) (Intel. Download Old Version of CCleaner for Mac for Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) (Intel).
14.12.2010 : 00:31 Gozahn:
CCleaner ® for Mac CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Mac. It protects your privacy and makes your Mac faster and more secure! Download Free Version. Feb 09, · does ccleaner work well on a mac or should I use it or use another This action is mandatory if you’re running any version of OS X older than. CCleaner for Mac scans your system to remove all kinds of files that can slow your Mac down and then removes the items you Mac OS X //////5(18).
16.12.2010 : 21:39 Neramar:
We don't have any change log information yet for version of Snow Leopard Mac OS X Sometimes publishers take a little while to make this information 5/10().
22.12.2010 : 09:20 Daihn:

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