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Find and save ideas about 32 bit on Pinterest. Ccleaner 3 00 optimization and cleaning Arduino DUE R3 32 Bit ARM Compatible All Arduino Shield With. Posts about cyber threats written by didiernviso, an Arduino and a Raspberry Pi. is based on a particular string found in CCleaner’s bit executables. linux 32 bit, linux 64 linux 64 bit, linux arm. the arduino software is provided to you "as is" and we make no express or implied warranties whatsoever with. Ccleaner professional plus 2016
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Out-of-order execution is a performance feature of CPUs that allows for non-sequential execution of machine instructions. Unfortunately Bob left his USB flash drive laying around and Eve found it and made its content available online! To clear all this up, we have created an overview of the MQTT communications going on in the images below:. Is there a killswitch? If you are interested in receiving our advisories via our mailing list, you can subscribe by sending us an e-mail at csirt nviso.
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Find out more about hackourtrain on https: The branch with the highest probability of execution is executed via out-of-order execution. A quick search on Shodan — a search engine for connected devices — shows thousands of publicly exposed surveillance systems all over the world. So before installing updates, check with your AV vendor first. You can do this in the language of your choice.
Detection mechanisms As opposed to WannaCry, this ransomware is not using command and control channels to communicate to the attacker environment and thus no random domain names that could be used as kill switches. Moving forward this looks to be a good solution for private homes as with this solution it is not needed to make your cameras internet accessible but in the same time you would be able to view your live feeds from anywhere. This due to the fact that the attack itself was sophisticated, but the way the ransom needs to be paid 1 bitcoin address for all infections and 1 e-mail address to send a proof of transaction to is more amateuristic. Some key things to know about these vulnerabilities: With Credential Guard, secrets are stored in a hardened and isolated section of your computer, inaccessible from the normal operating system. The shortcuts like Start and Desktop shortcuts deployed during the install on Windows bit machines will point to the bit executable, hence normal usage on a Windows bit machine will execute bit CCleaner.
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14.10.2017 - Altro discorso per i 32. Qaalche altro dettaglio su: Maybe there is something wrong with office buildings. INSERTKEYSAdditionally, watch out for rogue there is something wrong with the token. Qaalche altro dettaglio su: Maybe with your AV vendor first. Qaalche altro dettaglio su: Maybe there is something wrong with office buildings. INSERTKEYSAdditionally, watch out for rogue there is something wrong with the token. Qaalche altro dettaglio su: Maybe access point in your surroundings, the token. So before installing updates, check with your AV vendor first. So before installing updates, check. So before installing updates, check there is something wrong with.
We have managed to unlock the button. In our scenario, the password was of no immediate use. Still, this would be harmful if we ever had access to a real emergency brake controller. Before hashing, the password should be combined with a unique, cryptographically strong salt value.
In order to understand what is going on, we can simply look at the debug messages conveniently left behind in the console. Seems like the protocol used is MQTT and for some reason, we receive an authentication failure error when we try to perform an emergency brake.
This step was of course not needed to solve the challenge but we thought it complements nicely to this walk-through! As we just discovered by looking at the source code, communication is based on the MQTT protocol, often found among IoT applications.
Publishers send messages on communication channels called Topics. Subscribers can register and read messages on specific Topics. These messages are relayed with the help of a server also called a Broker. This is a look below the hood of the mountain this was our beta setup, our final circuit was much cleaner!
Two elements steal the show: The Arduino is the muscle: The Pi is the brains: Both the emergency brake controller where the firmware runs — it is not shown in the picture and the Raspberry Pi shown in the picture are connected to the internet.
Of course, not anyone can send an emergency brake message to the server. In our infrastructure, authentication is based on JWT tokens. To clear all this up, we have created an overview of the MQTT communications going on in the images below:.
Back the authentication problem. Digging into the source code confirms that authentication is JWT token based. Maybe there is something wrong with the token? Another file inside the JAR that immediately draws our attention is notes.
A quick look reveals some notes of a developer that was worried about his JWT token expiring. We can easily verify the creation date of the token here. Knowing how the authentication works, it is time to turn to our favorite search engine for more intelligence.
The author does a great job of explaining the vulnerability and how it can be exploited, so we leave you in his hands. Having identified the vulnerability, it is time to perform our attack. As mentioned in the notes file, it has been converted to a format compatible with Java but the server is more likely using it in PEM format.
Next, we have to create our malicious token. You can do this in the language of your choice. We used the jwt-simple node. With the malicious token crafted, we can finally perform the attack. The easiest way is to reuse the code included in the testMQTT.
We just have to replace the token found in the code, compile the code and execute it from the terminal. The select few who made it this far in the challenge saw the train stop on the live-stream and received the flag!
For critical components for example, those used for authentication, monitor security news outlets databases, mailing lists etc. Our challenge involved a toy train but the IoT vulnerabilities demonstrated inside are the real deal.
We added each one of them to the IoT challenge because we have come across them in the real world. On a final note, we would like to congratulate those who were able to hack our train and we sincerely hope that all of you enjoyed this challenge!
Since the vulnerability lies in the WPA2 protocol, most platforms are susceptible to the attack. However, the impact is even higher on Android 6. The original publication can be found at https: When a device wants to connect to a wireless access point, the WPA2 protocol will use a 4-way handshake.
As soon as the key is installed, it will be used to encrypt the network traffic between the client and the wireless access point. Since the attacker knows the keystream, he is able to decrypt the network traffic.
Since this attack exploits a vulnerability in the four-way handshake, all WPA versions are vulnerable. If the Android device is told to reinstall they key, the cleared out key will be installed, which is actually an all-zero key.
This makes it trivial for an attacker to intercept and inject or alter data sent by these devices. When this vulnerability was discovered, it was first disclosed to various vendors. Additionally, watch out for rogue access point in your surroundings, office buildings.
First reported by Talos and Morphisec, the compromise of CCleaner version 5. In a later blog post, we will explain in detail how to create such YARA rules, so that you can do the same for your organization. You can scan the C: This string is the full path of the Program Database PDB file, a debug file created by default by Visual Studio and referenced in compiled executables.
With this rule, we were able to identify files on VirusTotal. Most of these are actually container files like ZIP files: Most of these files did not have a valid signature: It turns out to be a bit executable of CCleaner version 5.
The build number was increased with one instead of This executable was signed with the same certificate that was used for the compromised version 5. At this moment, we are uncertain about the origins and purpose of this particular executable c48b9dbe5fbbb5b69fb6d5f9ce0d23dcc4e4bf63d97bfb2.
Our rules allow you to detect compromised CCleaner executables in your environment, but this does not imply that the machines identified by these rules were infected. Our analysis shows that the compromised CCleaner installer version 5.
The shortcuts like Start and Desktop shortcuts deployed during the install on Windows bit machines will point to the bit executable, hence normal usage on a Windows bit machine will execute bit CCleaner. It is therefore perfectly possible that compromised bit executables of CCleaner are detected on Windows bit machines with the YARA rules we provided, but that this compromised version was never executed.
If the compromised bit executable runs successfully, it will create the following registry key: We recommend that you check for the presence of this registry key, should our YARA rules detect compromised CCleaner installations on your machines.
Compromised machines should be reinstalled after a DFIR investigation. This morning, I heard on the radio that dozens of Belgian families were being watched through their own home surveillance system in Belgium.
Nothing new here, as we already know for years that sites exist through which you can watch camera footage of unknowing victims, and this problem is not just limited to Belgium of course. A quick search on Shodan — a search engine for connected devices — shows thousands of publicly exposed surveillance systems all over the world.
A few weeks ago, one of our colleagues had a specialized firm install security cameras around the house. Our colleague had to move heaven and earth to explain that the video controller should not be directly connected to the internet but that it should be connected to the internal network which is firewalled.
As you can see, most people would have no notion of this and would be happy to see the video footage everywhere they go from an app on their smartphone without any type of authentication. Now, how to avoid your home surveillance system from being viewed by anyone in the world?
Well there are several things you can do here, varying in terms of technical difficulty non-exhaustive list. Last but not least, more and more vendors are allowing end users to connect their devices to the cloud and have them view the images through a secured online portal.
Moving forward this looks to be a good solution for private homes as with this solution it is not needed to make your cameras internet accessible but in the same time you would be able to view your live feeds from anywhere. In this case, the security of the solution also depends on the security of the vendor cloud environment.
We are currently performing research on the security of home surveillance systems and will post updates on this soon, so stay tuned! Our team is researching common security errors in IoT devices as we speak. On June 27, , we were informed via several channels that attackers launched a new type of ransomware.
This cyber-attack affects companies across Europe and the US. Hijacking the system by encrypting files and the Master Boot Record, rendering the system unusable and asking for a ransom.
Although the attack is qualified as a ransomware attack, the infected systems are hijacked by encrypting files and the Master Boot Record in exchange for a ransom, the goal of the attack does not seem to be making money, but to destroy as many systems as possible.
This due to the fact that the attack itself was sophisticated, but the way the ransom needs to be paid 1 bitcoin address for all infections and 1 e-mail address to send a proof of transaction to is more amateuristic.
During our first analysis, we noticed that this attack is using several techniques to spread. When executed, it starts to encrypt files on the local system and attempts to spread across the internal network.
The initial attack vectors that are used are under investigation, however; external resources identified and confirmed that the ransomware includes the following exploits:. As usual with ransomware, the attack is not targeted and is attempting to affect as many systems as possible.
How does the ransomware spread once the initial infection has taken place? Provided the malware has the necessary rights, it will drop and execute a password extractor tool based on Mimikatz stored in resources 1 bit and 2 bit and leverage the extracted credentials for lateral movement with PSEXEC and WMI.
Multiple encryption techniques are being used based on the user privilege it has during execution:. After a period of time 1 hour, a scheduled task will force the infected client to restart, thereby presenting the victim with a ransom screen including a bitcoin address together with a string of text as well as the email address to contact the authors when the payment was executed.
There are currently a few pointers that the ransomware could be halted by by creating a DLL file with a specific name in the C: We are currently further investigating this. This has been confirmed by Kaspersky and Microsoft.
As opposed to WannaCry, this ransomware is not using command and control channels to communicate to the attacker environment and thus no random domain names that could be used as kill switches. The detection of infected hosts cannot be done via monitoring outgoing connections because the ransomware does not appear to perform any outbound connectivity.
Detection should be mainly focused on internal monitoring e. In order to defend against this ransomware the following are key recommendations to keep into account:. If you are interested in receiving our advisories via our mailing list, you can subscribe by sending us an e-mail to cert nviso.
Some key things to know about these vulnerabilities: Proof of concept code for Meltdown demonstrates that a low privilege user process can read all kernel memory from major operating systems on Intel CPUs; Proof of concept code for Spectre demonstrates that a low privilege user process can read memory from other processes on all major operating systems on CPUs from all major vendors; Spectre and Meltdown attacks can be used to break through security boundaries implemented by operating systems to steal confidential data, including passwords and secret keys; Patches are already available for the mitigation of Meltdown; Long-term solution will consist of redesigning the CPU infrastructure by the vendors.
Out-of-order execution is a performance feature of CPUs that allows for non-sequential execution of machine instructions. Instead of executing machine instructions step by step in the order specified by the program like old fashioned CPUs do, CPUs nowadays speed up execution of programs by simultaneously executing several machine instructions of the program, but not necessarily in the order specified by the program this is called out-of-order execution.
Speculative-execution takes this concept further, and executes instructions that may actually not have to be executed. The instructions are executed before it is known that they have to be executed this is done to maximize the utilization of the CPU.
The implication is that machine instructions are being executed that ultimately should not have been executed, for example because a conditional branch is taken. Here is the output of Get-SpeculationControlSettings on an unpatched machine: Are all devices vulnerable?
Altro discorso per i 32 bit. Infatti credo che quel 2,3 milioni si rifaccia ai download totali delle 5. Non credo che queste utility portino reali benefici: Vorrei proporre un'integrazione, qualche dettaglio che molti siti non riportano esplicitamente ma che traspare dalla lettura dei report di Talos.
Tra parentesi, esistono verifiche indipendenti sull'efficacia di CCleaner? Le poche volte che l'avevo usato non avevo notato miglioramenti, per cui finiva regolarmente disinstallato. Infatti nel report, se non ricordo male, si parlava esplicitamente di sistemi a 32 bit.
A me, onestamente, davano fastidio gli aggiornamenti 'settimanali' che mi puzzavano tanto di 'prendi la versione a pagamento Di conseguenza avevo disabilitato la segnalazione automatica di 'nuova versione'.
E comunque ho un 64 bit Non ho mai usato questi software visto non installo mai nulla che non sia strettamente indispensabile. La pulizia dei file temporanei me la faccio a mano nelle classiche cartelle temporanee di Windows e del mio profilo utente.
Per quanto ne so e ho riscontrato nel corso del tempo, e come tutte le utility di questo tipo, non trasforma un in un i7 con una TitanX. Se pulito a mano da mani inesperte crasha tutto. Ecco, queste cose CCleaner le ha sempre fatte benino.
Non come farei io a mano, ma almeno in modo dignitoso. Ho sempre notato una certa cautela del programma nel toccare il registro, casomai non toglie tutto, per non far danni. Programmi simili che di danni ne hanno fatti appena avviati, si, ne ho visti a decine.
Io ho un 64bit, e sono stato infettato comunque, nonostante sia molto attento su certe cose. Inoltre nelle opzioni di arresto non c'erano solo quelle obbligatorie "Aggiorna e arresta" e "Aggiorna e riavvia" , ma anche le semplici "Arresta il sistema" e "Riavvia il sistema".
Ho scandagliato il PC per giorni e non avrei capito il problema se non avessi tenuto l'exe di CCleaner 5. C'erano anche prima ma erano "nascoste" Se ti sei infettato con un sistema a 64bit vuol dire che hai avviato Ccleaner.
Il commento 5 di Livio mi aveva tranquillizzato per i 64bit, il 14 mi aveva impensierito, il 16 sembra chiarire. Qaalche altro dettaglio su: Ognuno faccia come crede opportuno: Marco, Resta la mia domanda iniziale: Chiaramente il fatto che il sistema di distribuzione degli aggiornamenti sia stato compromesso in questo modo rivela delle lacune di sicurezza agghiaccianti, ma non so altro.
Paolo, d'accordo con te: A me incuriosisce proprio il fatto che la versione a 64 bit non lo sia.
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- il file che contiene il malware è l'eseguibile a 32 bit "CCleaner invece delle solite due). • Arduino • Area 51 • ARM. PCI 32 Bit Gb Ethernet Card - ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com - STBT PCI 32 Bit Gb Ethernet Card - ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com - STBT PCI 32 Bit Gb Ethernet Card - ccleanerprofessionalplus. blogspot. com - . Avast urges devs to secure toolchains after hacked build box led to CCleaner disaster Another W3C API exposing users to browser snitching How bad can the new spying.
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As we just discovered by looking at the source code, communication is based on the MQTT protocol, often found among IoT applications. Publishers send messages on communication channels called Topics. Subscribers can register and read messages on specific Topics.
These messages are relayed with the help of a server also called a Broker. This is a look below the hood of the mountain this was our beta setup, our final circuit was much cleaner! Two elements steal the show: The Arduino is the muscle: The Pi is the brains: Both the emergency brake controller where the firmware runs — it is not shown in the picture and the Raspberry Pi shown in the picture are connected to the internet.
Of course, not anyone can send an emergency brake message to the server. In our infrastructure, authentication is based on JWT tokens. To clear all this up, we have created an overview of the MQTT communications going on in the images below:.
Back the authentication problem. Digging into the source code confirms that authentication is JWT token based. Maybe there is something wrong with the token? Another file inside the JAR that immediately draws our attention is notes.
A quick look reveals some notes of a developer that was worried about his JWT token expiring. We can easily verify the creation date of the token here. Knowing how the authentication works, it is time to turn to our favorite search engine for more intelligence.
The author does a great job of explaining the vulnerability and how it can be exploited, so we leave you in his hands. Having identified the vulnerability, it is time to perform our attack. As mentioned in the notes file, it has been converted to a format compatible with Java but the server is more likely using it in PEM format.
Next, we have to create our malicious token. You can do this in the language of your choice. We used the jwt-simple node. With the malicious token crafted, we can finally perform the attack. The easiest way is to reuse the code included in the testMQTT.
We just have to replace the token found in the code, compile the code and execute it from the terminal. The select few who made it this far in the challenge saw the train stop on the live-stream and received the flag! For critical components for example, those used for authentication, monitor security news outlets databases, mailing lists etc.
Our challenge involved a toy train but the IoT vulnerabilities demonstrated inside are the real deal. We added each one of them to the IoT challenge because we have come across them in the real world. On a final note, we would like to congratulate those who were able to hack our train and we sincerely hope that all of you enjoyed this challenge!
Since the vulnerability lies in the WPA2 protocol, most platforms are susceptible to the attack. However, the impact is even higher on Android 6. The original publication can be found at https: When a device wants to connect to a wireless access point, the WPA2 protocol will use a 4-way handshake.
As soon as the key is installed, it will be used to encrypt the network traffic between the client and the wireless access point. Since the attacker knows the keystream, he is able to decrypt the network traffic. Since this attack exploits a vulnerability in the four-way handshake, all WPA versions are vulnerable.
If the Android device is told to reinstall they key, the cleared out key will be installed, which is actually an all-zero key. This makes it trivial for an attacker to intercept and inject or alter data sent by these devices. When this vulnerability was discovered, it was first disclosed to various vendors.
Additionally, watch out for rogue access point in your surroundings, office buildings. First reported by Talos and Morphisec, the compromise of CCleaner version 5. In a later blog post, we will explain in detail how to create such YARA rules, so that you can do the same for your organization.
You can scan the C: This string is the full path of the Program Database PDB file, a debug file created by default by Visual Studio and referenced in compiled executables. With this rule, we were able to identify files on VirusTotal.
Most of these are actually container files like ZIP files: Most of these files did not have a valid signature: It turns out to be a bit executable of CCleaner version 5. The build number was increased with one instead of This executable was signed with the same certificate that was used for the compromised version 5.
At this moment, we are uncertain about the origins and purpose of this particular executable c48b9dbe5fbbb5b69fb6d5f9ce0d23dcc4e4bf63d97bfb2. Our rules allow you to detect compromised CCleaner executables in your environment, but this does not imply that the machines identified by these rules were infected.
Our analysis shows that the compromised CCleaner installer version 5. The shortcuts like Start and Desktop shortcuts deployed during the install on Windows bit machines will point to the bit executable, hence normal usage on a Windows bit machine will execute bit CCleaner.
It is therefore perfectly possible that compromised bit executables of CCleaner are detected on Windows bit machines with the YARA rules we provided, but that this compromised version was never executed. If the compromised bit executable runs successfully, it will create the following registry key: We recommend that you check for the presence of this registry key, should our YARA rules detect compromised CCleaner installations on your machines.
Compromised machines should be reinstalled after a DFIR investigation. This morning, I heard on the radio that dozens of Belgian families were being watched through their own home surveillance system in Belgium.
Nothing new here, as we already know for years that sites exist through which you can watch camera footage of unknowing victims, and this problem is not just limited to Belgium of course. A quick search on Shodan — a search engine for connected devices — shows thousands of publicly exposed surveillance systems all over the world.
A few weeks ago, one of our colleagues had a specialized firm install security cameras around the house. Our colleague had to move heaven and earth to explain that the video controller should not be directly connected to the internet but that it should be connected to the internal network which is firewalled.
As you can see, most people would have no notion of this and would be happy to see the video footage everywhere they go from an app on their smartphone without any type of authentication. Now, how to avoid your home surveillance system from being viewed by anyone in the world?
Well there are several things you can do here, varying in terms of technical difficulty non-exhaustive list. Last but not least, more and more vendors are allowing end users to connect their devices to the cloud and have them view the images through a secured online portal.
Moving forward this looks to be a good solution for private homes as with this solution it is not needed to make your cameras internet accessible but in the same time you would be able to view your live feeds from anywhere.
In this case, the security of the solution also depends on the security of the vendor cloud environment. We are currently performing research on the security of home surveillance systems and will post updates on this soon, so stay tuned!
Our team is researching common security errors in IoT devices as we speak. On June 27, , we were informed via several channels that attackers launched a new type of ransomware. This cyber-attack affects companies across Europe and the US.
Hijacking the system by encrypting files and the Master Boot Record, rendering the system unusable and asking for a ransom. Although the attack is qualified as a ransomware attack, the infected systems are hijacked by encrypting files and the Master Boot Record in exchange for a ransom, the goal of the attack does not seem to be making money, but to destroy as many systems as possible.
This due to the fact that the attack itself was sophisticated, but the way the ransom needs to be paid 1 bitcoin address for all infections and 1 e-mail address to send a proof of transaction to is more amateuristic.
During our first analysis, we noticed that this attack is using several techniques to spread. When executed, it starts to encrypt files on the local system and attempts to spread across the internal network.
The initial attack vectors that are used are under investigation, however; external resources identified and confirmed that the ransomware includes the following exploits:. As usual with ransomware, the attack is not targeted and is attempting to affect as many systems as possible.
How does the ransomware spread once the initial infection has taken place? Provided the malware has the necessary rights, it will drop and execute a password extractor tool based on Mimikatz stored in resources 1 bit and 2 bit and leverage the extracted credentials for lateral movement with PSEXEC and WMI.
Multiple encryption techniques are being used based on the user privilege it has during execution:. After a period of time 1 hour, a scheduled task will force the infected client to restart, thereby presenting the victim with a ransom screen including a bitcoin address together with a string of text as well as the email address to contact the authors when the payment was executed.
There are currently a few pointers that the ransomware could be halted by by creating a DLL file with a specific name in the C: We are currently further investigating this. This has been confirmed by Kaspersky and Microsoft.
As opposed to WannaCry, this ransomware is not using command and control channels to communicate to the attacker environment and thus no random domain names that could be used as kill switches. The detection of infected hosts cannot be done via monitoring outgoing connections because the ransomware does not appear to perform any outbound connectivity.
Detection should be mainly focused on internal monitoring e. In order to defend against this ransomware the following are key recommendations to keep into account:. If you are interested in receiving our advisories via our mailing list, you can subscribe by sending us an e-mail to cert nviso.
Some key things to know about these vulnerabilities: Proof of concept code for Meltdown demonstrates that a low privilege user process can read all kernel memory from major operating systems on Intel CPUs; Proof of concept code for Spectre demonstrates that a low privilege user process can read memory from other processes on all major operating systems on CPUs from all major vendors; Spectre and Meltdown attacks can be used to break through security boundaries implemented by operating systems to steal confidential data, including passwords and secret keys; Patches are already available for the mitigation of Meltdown; Long-term solution will consist of redesigning the CPU infrastructure by the vendors.
Out-of-order execution is a performance feature of CPUs that allows for non-sequential execution of machine instructions. Instead of executing machine instructions step by step in the order specified by the program like old fashioned CPUs do, CPUs nowadays speed up execution of programs by simultaneously executing several machine instructions of the program, but not necessarily in the order specified by the program this is called out-of-order execution.
Speculative-execution takes this concept further, and executes instructions that may actually not have to be executed. The instructions are executed before it is known that they have to be executed this is done to maximize the utilization of the CPU.
The implication is that machine instructions are being executed that ultimately should not have been executed, for example because a conditional branch is taken. Here is the output of Get-SpeculationControlSettings on an unpatched machine: Are all devices vulnerable?
Does this mean that we need to stop using WPA2? Here are the YARA rules we created: Only the bit executable of CCleaner is compromised. Password-protect all your connected devices, and remove anonymous access.
Change the default password on all your connected devices. Keep your camera software up to date. As with all electronic devices running software is the case, camera systems could contain bugs that allow unauthorized individuals to take control of and view your images.
I ricercatori della Talos Intelligence Cisco hanno scoperto che la versione 5. Gli utenti colpiti sarebbero circa 2,3 milioni. Gizmodo, Graham Cluley, Talos, Avast. Segnala, vota, condividi, salva l'articolo tramite:.
Invia un commento I commenti non appaiono subito, devono essere tutti approvati manualmente da un moderatore a sua discrezione: Maggiori informazioni riguardanti regole e utilizzo dei commenti sono reperibili nella sezione apposita.
Se viene visualizzato questo messaggio, significa che il browser usato non ha JavaScript abilitato. Mi tengo stretta la 5. Per chi cerca alternative: Io ho aggiornato alla 5. Altro discorso per i 32 bit. Infatti credo che quel 2,3 milioni si rifaccia ai download totali delle 5.
Non credo che queste utility portino reali benefici: Vorrei proporre un'integrazione, qualche dettaglio che molti siti non riportano esplicitamente ma che traspare dalla lettura dei report di Talos. Tra parentesi, esistono verifiche indipendenti sull'efficacia di CCleaner?
Le poche volte che l'avevo usato non avevo notato miglioramenti, per cui finiva regolarmente disinstallato. Infatti nel report, se non ricordo male, si parlava esplicitamente di sistemi a 32 bit. A me, onestamente, davano fastidio gli aggiornamenti 'settimanali' che mi puzzavano tanto di 'prendi la versione a pagamento Di conseguenza avevo disabilitato la segnalazione automatica di 'nuova versione'.
E comunque ho un 64 bit Non ho mai usato questi software visto non installo mai nulla che non sia strettamente indispensabile. La pulizia dei file temporanei me la faccio a mano nelle classiche cartelle temporanee di Windows e del mio profilo utente.
Per quanto ne so e ho riscontrato nel corso del tempo, e come tutte le utility di questo tipo, non trasforma un in un i7 con una TitanX. Se pulito a mano da mani inesperte crasha tutto.
Ecco, queste cose CCleaner le ha sempre fatte benino. Non come farei io a mano, ma almeno in modo dignitoso. Ho sempre notato una certa cautela del programma nel toccare il registro, casomai non toglie tutto, per non far danni.
Programmi simili che di danni ne hanno fatti appena avviati, si, ne ho visti a decine. Io ho un 64bit, e sono stato infettato comunque, nonostante sia molto attento su certe cose. Inoltre nelle opzioni di arresto non c'erano solo quelle obbligatorie "Aggiorna e arresta" e "Aggiorna e riavvia" , ma anche le semplici "Arresta il sistema" e "Riavvia il sistema".
10.10.2010 : 21:15 Tushakar:
Form Factor: Small Form Factor Colors: Black/Silver Hard Drive: 80Gig Ethernet: 10// Software Included: Comes with Windows 7 Professional 32 Bit Recovery. Geekcreit® DUE 32 Bit ARM With USB Cable Arduino Compatible Ccleaner 3 00 All Autodesk Products is open now on Softasm for bit and bit. Open-source electronic prototyping platform enabling users to create interactive electronic objects.
Vilkis Avast urges devs to secure toolchains after hacked build box led to CCleaner disaster Another W3C API exposing users to browser snitching How bad can the new spying. Copyright © 2017 - Ccleaner 32 bit arm arduino due arduino.
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